Pack Inc. --------- GER> Iceman (mainorg), Schiedel, Warrior-X. New German packmaker crew formed by ex-members of Public Art and RAM71-TEAM. Pacman Productions ------------------ F.U.B.A.R. (1993, 28.12, AGA File). code: Unco, gfx: Hellraiser, Unco, music: Zodiak. Split 19th in The Party 93 demo competition. Palace ------ DEN> Alf and Drac (train sysops 'TRADERS HEAVEN' WHQ opened RAW4, 91), Frostie (sysop 'LEVIATHAN' opened RAW4, ex Sonic, new RAW4), Terrax (Michael, music, 12/91). GER> Hijack (ex Symbiosis), Skywalker (ex Adept). FIN> Dr.Koff (old handle Tex). N-Z> Slaine (ex Extreme). Boards; ROMAN HOTEL (swe), DEAD HEAT (swe, 91). Palace was a demo and illegal group based in Denmark. Anyone know if there were ever any issues of their proposed diskmag 'PacMag' released? Palace is dead! Chromer joined Sonic. Norwegian coder Pushead joined the new Angels. Danish coder and cracker Caesar joined Alpha Flight. Radical joined Endless Piracy. Danish sysop Howard sold all his equipment, so 'ELYSIUM' went down forever in early 92. Scarloc joined Legend (RAW4). German swapper Tyrant joined Adept 09/92. Apparently, he was tired of being the only member in Germany. Norwegian sysop Scratcher ('TOTAL PANIC') joined Fairlight (RAW4). Zany and Lynx, sysops 'SUSPERIA', joined 2000AD (RAW4). Previous swedish leader Virus (ex Alpha Flight, new RAW3) joined TRSI for a short while, then moved on to Legend (RAW4). Danish sysop Zoonie ('HOUSE OF GAMES') got kicked, and joined Alcatraz (STD10). Inferno (ex Noxious) joined Skid Row (RAW3). Gadget and Princip were in Palace 2 days before joining New Wave (RAW2). All Swedish members were kicked out except Madcap, who joined Spaceballs shortly after (RAW2). Urk joined Shining (RAW2). Bit joined Amaze (RAW2). Danish coder TAS joined Parasite 06/92. Swedish graphician Butch joined The Silents. Danish musician Hellrazor (ex 2000 AD) joined TRSI. Norwegian coder Octoplex (ex Anarchy) joined Dual Crew. Pandemonium ----------- ???> Halfbyte (music, doublememb Bizarre Arts 06/96). Panic (1990-) ------------- FIN> Alfred (swap), Crom (Markus Vattulainen), Deetsay (music, doublememb Insane [details], 09/95), Gazer (Niko Varjonen, code), Kid Frost (Mikko Lehtonen, music). GER> Al Capone (Jan Willutzki, swap, late90), C.O.N.S (Raphael, music, new 09-10/91), Destinator (code), Flagg (Kai, org, 10/91-92), Jesus (code), Dux (swap). ENG> Bub and Bob (sysops 'BUBBLE BOBBLE'). ???> Aerobase (swap), Apollo (ex Vanish), Blackstar (trade), Boogieman (sysop), Crazymaz, Dust (gfx, 10/91), Hawkwind (sysop), Hotmilk (sysop, ex Fairlight), Kiwi, Marlow (trade), Skytec (gfx, 10/91), SMS (sysop), X-Pert (trade). Panic was born around july 1990 by members of Bitch Magnet [no entry]. C.O.N.S was among the members that joined already in 1990. 1991 - Scott joined Magnetic Fields mid 91. 1992 - Germans Lynxx (music, 10/91) and Foxx joined The Silents early in the year. German musician Crazy Maze joined the group, and together with C.O.N.S. the two built up the music label CMC Music Factory. German musician Emax left for TRSI in december. Expert joined Poison. DJ Head (ger code) and Skaga got kicked. Gambler (trade) and Montana Rice got kicked. German coder Piranha (10/91) joined The Silents. Rator, sysop 'WONDERLAND' joined Agnostic Front. German swapper Trasher (ex Hardline) joined Sanity, and took his pack 'Trashpack' with him. · Plural-Mäsmä-Writer (ECS Intro). code: Gazer, gfx: none, music: Kid Frost (sample). review: Definitely alternative, this. It consists of a textwriter on top of a bouncing blue-patterned background with a horizontal starfield in front. In addition, there's a rather obscure music sample playing. "Stooop that traaain, I wanna geeet off!"... You won't die if you don't get this, but you might just enjoy it... · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ¼mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Morphic Fields BBS (Intro). Cooperation with Agnostic Front, see there for info. Space Egg (ECS). code: The Piranha, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. review: In 1000 WASTED DREAMS, Piranha mentions 'my last demo Space Egg', meaning that this was released before the '1000' demo. demo (1991, 23.12, ECS Demo). Released for the Vision and Mirage X-Mas Party demo competition. · 1000 Wasted Dreams (1991, 19.10, ECS Trackmo). code: The Piranha, gfx: Skytec, Dust, music: Virgill/Coma (intro), "Sado Goredon" by C.O.N.S, "Panic-Movie" by Lynxx. Winner of the Action Party 91 demo competition! review: A true horror example of generic design, this follows the two magic formulas; the logo-bar-effect-bar screen layout and the effect- textscreen-effect rhythm. The music and graphics are barely functional. The music in the opening part, that chip-style thing, seems unrippable. The music in the main part bugs (note: cons says it's not the music, but the code to fade out the track), and it crashes after loading the endpart. It boots the whole thing, then gurus. However, the main part of the demo worked perfectly. No time to check with caches off. Thanks to CONS for clearing a few things up, like the music credits! =] · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review! Panoramic Designs (PD, 1990-) ----------------------------- NOR> Buzz (Stig Bakken, gfx, 91), Condor (Marius Kintel, code, 91), Jostein (Jostein Hoel, code, 91), Shagul (Terje Semb, 91), TRS (Trond Sausjord, code gfx, 91). PD was originally a C64 group, and was formed late 1990 by the former Norwegian division of Armada. Their first production "Amiga First" [10/90] was released at the No Limits & Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90, announcing the group's birth. Amiga First (1990, 06.10, ECS File). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: "Stemmingsfullezeb" by n/a (ProTracker MOD format). 6th in the No Limits & Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90 demo competition. Never Again (1991, ECS Trackmo). code: Jostein (loader), Condor (flag, loader, tech-tech, fractal, gods), TRS dragon anim, gods, loader), gfx: TRS (loader logo, flag, loadergfx, gods, endpart), Dungeon Master/DM (dragon anim, loader), Buzz (tech-tech), music: "Michelangelos Dream" by Headx/Andromeda (ProTracker MOD format), TRS (sample). info: Probably released at The Party 91, but I'm not 100% sure. Panzerfaust (-1989) ------------------- Panzerfaust died late 1989 when the group changed their name to Cave. Paradise (PRD, 1991-1993) ------------------------- GER> Accomplice (gfx, new 08/92), Brutus (swap, ex Armageddon), Flash (music), Killraven (Andre Wiedenhofer, swap, re from Interpol, 92), Seat (music), Viper, Wolfgang ('CHINA TOWN', 91). FIN> Madman (sysop 'BLUE WING', new early 92), Sledge Hammer. FRA> Furax (sysop 'FANTASIA' new late91, ex Quartex, new late91). SPA> Thorin (music). SWE> Poseidon (music). HOL> Al Bundy (sysop 'BUNDY'S PLACE'). USA> Animal (sysop 'THE UNFORGIVEN'), Don Dog (sysop 'DUNGEON OF WHO'/'LINE NOISE'), Dr.Feelgood (sysop 'OVERDOSE'). ???> Ascender (ex Gothic, new RAW4), Major-Midi (ex Energy), Rog (code, new 08/92). Boards; TIMETRIALS (usa), THE BROOM CLOSET (usa), VALHALLA (can), TOTAL RECALL (usa), DREAM MACHINE (bel), CENTRAL NETWORK. Paradise was a German demo group, formed by Tedric in april 1991, and organized by Tedric and Arcatronic. The group died mid to late 1993. Originally, there were two other groups called Paradise, one of which was also based in Germany, and one cracker group in Belgium. This was solved easily though, when all three groups fusioned into one. However, the Belgian people didn't stay long, and opted to go to Fusion instead. When they left, rumours that Paradise had died starting floating around, which were untrue. 1993 - Graphician Premium (12/92) joined Desire mid 93. German coder and original founder Tedric joined The Silents 05/93. Nox joined Zenith. Crayon joined Diffusion. Arcatronic (ger? mainorg sysop 'SPAGETTHI HOUSE') left. Finnish swapper Private Dick (ex Klondyke) joined Legend. American sysops Powerhouse ('TWINPOWERS') and Dictator ('TONE TOWN') left. German swapper Agony (ex DCS) joined The Elektronic Knights. Germans Stearo (swap, ex Desire) and Nose joined Alcatraz. German coder Raw Style (new 08/92) joined DCS, but quickly moved on to Alcatraz. The American whq board 'TOTAL RECALL' left to join Chryseis as their WHQ instead, late 92 or early 93. Norwegian coder Flesh (ex Majic 12) joined the reborn Angels. Optimus Maximus (1992, 19.04, Demo). 3rd in the Easter Conference 92 demo competition. Virtual Meltdown (1992, 27.12, ECS Disk). code: Tedric, gfx: Nose, Premium, Shadowmaster, Icejam, music: Sam, Spaf, Time Guardian. 8th in The Party 92 demo competition. Paradox [old] (PDX, 1989-1991, ------------------------------------------------------- FRA> Clash (06/90), Corto (code), Fisc, Olivier (mainorg supply sysop 'OLIVIER'S PLACE', later Quartex, 12/90), Skywalker (code, 90), Spirit (12/90). DEN> Bad Boy (crack, ex Trilogy, 07/90), Black Hawk (code crack, 12/90), Midnight Maniac (mainorg, 12/90). GER> Luke and Chuck (ex Vision Factory, new late90), Skyline (sysop 'LITTLE AMERIKA', later Quartex, new ca 10-11/90). USA> Loverboy (sysop 'INVOLUNTARY DEATH', 03-06/90). ???> Brigade (new late90), Cobol (gfx, 90), Freddy (code, 90), Hexodus (code gfx), Kevin (new late90), Labyrinth (gfx), MCM (gfx, 90), PCSU (gfx), Pinnacle (music), Prisoner of Wife (usa? sysop, ex Classic old, new late90), Qrd (code), Samplemixer (music, 90), Shapiro (crack, 03/90), Stormlord, The Infernal Duo (supply, 90), TSH (new late90), Zelnik (ex Classic old, new late90). Boards; SLEEPY HOLLOW (usa, 06/90), MIDDLE EARTH (usa, 03/90), PARADOX CANADA (can, 03/90), THE JUNGLE (usa, 03/90). Paradox was originally formed late 1989 by members of the danish group Trilogy (Bad Boy, Black Hawk) and the french group M.A.D (Olivier, The Surge, Clash) with the intention of forming the mightiest cracking constellation ever. Leaders of the group were originally The Surge, Midnight Maniac and Olivier, with Blackhawk and The Surge doing most of the cracking. Suppliers were Action Man, Spirit and Paragon. With this setup PDX was immediately one of the top amiga cracking groups, and were staples on the top of the charts from day one. Thanks to the history published on the group's website for some information. 1990 - During 1990, Paradox were at war with another cracking group, Angels, which culminated in the famous intro from Skywalker, where a devil is brutally molesting a defenseless angel :) MayDay stopped all activities late 90. The Danish board 'HALLOWED GROUND' (03-06/90) had to close its doors late 90, since the Danish police had started to suspect what was going on. German sysop Skyline joined around october. Danes Static, Vandal and Droopy joined Rebels in december. 1991 - Tension grew within the group until it eventually died. When this happened, most of the members joined Quartex (confirmed: TIC (crack, 90) and The Surge (mainorg crack sysop, 11/90)). Paradox went into hibernating, but the group was reactivated after two years. Freddy is Back (1990, ECS File). code: Freddy, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Snurkeldemo 2 (1990, late, ECS File). Intro (1991?, ECS Intro) code: Qrd, gfx: Pcsu, music: Pinnacle. Strange Balls (1991?, ECS File). code: Hexodus, gfx: Labyrinth, Hexodus, music: Sample Mixer. Paradox [new] (PDX, 1993-, --------------------------------------------------- FRA> Barret Oliver (ex Shining, old handle Daryl). DEN> Blackhawk and Metalforce (code crack sysops 'MERCYFUL FATE', early93- 10/94). ENG> ADS (supply, 94). GER> Lincoln. HOL> Eros (gfx, ex Jetset, old handle Eswat), IKillr (gfx, ex Jetset), Timeless (ex Jetset). ITA> Zool (org). SWE> Nero (sysop 'PROPHETS HOLD', 01/95). USA> Nuisance (sysop 'NIRVANA' WHQ, 04/93). ???> Babydock (crack, 03/93), CPT (fra?, gfx, 12/93), E.F.A (crack, 94), Hot Tuna and Mimicom (supply, 94), Hurricane (swe? modem, 03/93), Maximilien (org), Order and ED209 (supply, 94), Paragon (supply, 03/93), The Colonel (crack). Boards; LITHIUM WHQ (usa, 07/94), HOUSE OF COOLNESS EHQ (ger), HOUSE OF PAIN (usa), YEE SIDE (can), LIVING CHAOS (eng), SKARA BRAE (ger), CREEPING DEATH (ger). Paradox was reborn i 1993 with Daryl/ex Shining as one of the leaders. Midnight Maniac was back (albeit with a slightly lower profile than earlier), Blackhawk was still one of the scene's most prolific crackers, and Paragon still one of the best suppliers. Paradox were the undisputed number one in its second incarnation. Maximilien was the new leader, and new members like Zool (italy) and Lincoln (germany) helped raise the group even further. The group now expanded, for the first time, into the console scene. Releases were made on the SNES and Sega Genesis, under the able hands of Belgarion (code) and Papillon (org). Even more challenges were sought, and the group turned its attention to the pc scene... 1993 - Kaoz and swapper Killraven (early93) were kicked. Killraven joined Anthrox late 93. 1994 - French coder Ninja (12/93, in Angels three months earlier) left to join Scoopex. French musician Monty (12/93) left to form Universal Soldiers with his friend Schmoovy-Schmoov/Complex in late 94. 1995 - Then the group's leader Maximilien was busted by the police, once again killing Paradox in the process... Paradox would be reborn a third time after two more years, in 1997, but now entirely on the console scene. · Calimero (1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Ninja, gfx: CPT, music: Monty (ProPacker 2.1 format). 10th in The Party 93 40k intro competition. Review: Not much content here, though nicely designed. Still, when you compare this to Ninja's last intro "Destroy Fascism" (For Angels three months earlier), this is undoubtedly the weaker one. The only real 'effect' is some vector-spheres bouncing on a moving vector-plate thing that's not all that exciting. It seems there's a 'theme' of sorts to this, where two chickens find love. Don't ask. Music and gfx are simplistic, but acceptable. Ninja reprises his upscroller with vector- tunnel in the background routine from "Destroy Fascism" in the endpart. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Paragon ------- NOR> Alex, Cooper (ex Byte Busters), Crocker, Cruizer (music), Dr.Floyd (ex Byte Busters), Dr.Voodoo (ex Byte Busters), Eaze, Echo (old handle Epa), Elwood (music), Jester (music), Khorne (gfx), Laban (Henrik Endresen, swap, 92), MC Metal (swap, 92), Mr.Zig-Zag, Nimrod (Steinar Knutsen, code ex-edit 'Free'n'Easy'), Obscure, Slimeball, Tom (music). ???> Faze (gfx, new RAW3). Dr.Ami, MC Blaster and Maniac Man got kicked. Norwegian musicians El Loco and Sundance Kid (old handle Marlin) joined Talent (RAW6). Norwegian coder Black Panther (ex Flash) joined Crusaders (RAW5). Norwegian Selwyn (ex Byte Busters) was kicked out 08/92. Norwegian musician and writer Mystra (ex Rubbers) joined Addicts 08/92. Conjuring Tricks (1992, 15.04, ECS File). 8th in The Gathering 92 demo competition. Parallax (PRX) -------------- FIN> Allah (sysop 'THE CHAMELEON' WHQ, ex Digital, triplememb LSD and Insane, 10/95), Bandog (code, 04/95), Block (93), DCD (code, ex Decnite, new UPS10), Debug (code, 08/94-08/95), Geffen, Guru (ex Complex, new 08/92), Hijack (Rolf Tiittanen, ascii trade, doublememb Alpha Flight), Ice-T (93), Legend (Jarno Kilpia, code gfx music, ex Addonic, new RAW4, 93-08/95), Metal (code sysop), Mike (swap), Raider, Reserve (93), Sardiini (swap), Simply (code, earlier Decept, 08/94- 08/95), Stratos (ex Complex, new 08/92), Tim (93), TJM (music), Top-Azz (music), Tukan (gfx, 08/95), Warthog (raytrace www, 08/94), Yolk (Mikko Karvonen, org music, ex Sonic, 93-04/95). SWE> Culture (sysop 'HELL'S UNDERGROUND', 01/95). ???> Device (swap). Boards; TURPENTINE TRIP (fin, ex Decept). Parallax is a Finnish demo group, who for a short while was a subgroup of Scoopex, under the name Parallax Design. However, they soon decided that independence was best, and reverted to their original status. Finnish graphician Mistral joined Mystic in 1996. Mistral worked on the demos "Drool This" [08/94] and "Zif" [08/95] before leaving. BUT, he contributed to ther Mystic demo "Megademo" [08/99], and was credited as Mistral/Parallax! Finnish sysop Talbot ('TABOIL') joined Frogs. Finnish swapper Darky (ex Equinox) got kicked. DCD (code), TMC (gfx) and Visualize (gfx) joined from Decnite. However, Visualize was kicked because of his attitude and TMC left the scene. Now only DCD remains in the group. Critical Mass (1993, 09.08, Demo). Released for the Assembly 93 demo competition! Drool This (1994, 06.08, AGA 4MB HD). Code: Debug, Simply, Gfx: Mistral, Legend, Warthog, Music: Yolk, Legend. 3rd in Assembly 94 demo competition. · Deep (1995, 14.04, AGA 2MB HD, 2 disks). Code: Debug, Bandog, Legend, Gfx: Destop/CNCD (also director), Music: Yolk & Legend (The Player 6.1A format). Winner of the Gathering 95 demo competition! Cooperation with CNCD. Review: Niceness! Not bad at all, this winner from the unusually weak TG95 competition. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. ZiF (1995, 12.08, AGA HD Demo, 2 disks). Code: Debug, Simply, Gfx: Mistral, Tukan, Music: Legend. Winner of the Assembly 95 demo competition! Paralysis (1992-). ------------------ FIN> Dale (founder), DJ (founder), Icebass (founder), Suhu (founder), Tedious (founder). Paralysis was born late 1992 as a Finnish demogroup. Finnish Vortex joined Bronx. Paramount (PMT) --------------- SWE> Jet (swap), Mirador, Smallomph. ???> Sixpack (gfx), Zodie. Paramount's birth was announced in Cracker Journal #23 (12/90) as 'a new modem group'. Megaxil joined The Family. Paranoid (PRD) -------------- GER> Achim (sysop 'FLASH BBS'), Dragon (sysop 'DARKNESS' WHQ, 92), Killtech (Steven Müller, ex Prestige), Link. DEN> Quaid (swap). BEL> Alligator. ???> Death (ex Fate), Fox (new SLH11), Knuelle (ex Fate), Omc (ex Argon), Satan, Scream (ex Fate). Ripper joined Atomic (SLH11). Salvatore joined Alpha Flight (RAW4). Paranoimia (-1990) ------------------ USA> Al Capone (sysop 'ALCATRAZ', early90). Boards; FBI BBS (usa). Paranoimia was an elite cracking group built on the ruins of the legendary World of Wonders, and became a legendary group in their own right. Among the ones from the old group were Kontrasoft and Metallica. I believe they were in several wars with other groups, and were popularly called 'Paralamia' :). However, the most fantastic claims came when they were rumoured to be the computer division of the actual Mafia! Their exact date of birth is a little uncertain, but the earliest dated crack I have seen was 18.05-89. The American 'FBI BBS' was carrried over from World of Wonders. 1990 - Two Danish members joined Supreme ca 05/90. German Malzam (ex Tristar) was briefly a member before moving on to Vision. Paranoimia then died sometime between 06 and 08/90. Metallica, Hellion and Corsair (all ex World of Wonders) joined Skid Row. Most others formed The Company with ex members of Quartex. Skid Row did have an American board called 'ALCATRAZ', but the sysop was called Beatbox...He may have changed his handle... Kreator took some time before finally joining Prologic. German musician Subzero joined Skid Row. German cracker Kontrasoft (ex World of Wonders) left the scene. German sysop Guru Josh ('TECH' opened 12/89) joined Tristar. Their WHQ BBS (USA) was busted! (mid 90). This may be the bbs they got from M.A.D in early 1990, presumably DEVILS ISLAND. Parasite [old] (PST, 1992-) --------------------------- DEN> Beadwave, Colin (raytrace, new mid93), Krueger (swap, 09/92), Liquid (Martin Larsson, music, ex The Elektronic Knights, new 06/92-12/93), Pearl (ex Angelica), Splatt (gfx, 12/92), Steffen (Steffen Rabenborg, ex Quartz, old handle Speedy, new STD10-12/92), Tas (code, ex Palace, new 06-12/92), Xarium (code, ex Balance, later Rebels, new mid93). ???> Bored (ex Rednex, new early 92), Conan (code, new SLH11), Doktor (ex The Elektronic Knights, new 06/92), Douglas (code, old handle Solid, 01/93), Fred (ex The Elektronic Knights, new 06/92), Nut Weelin (music, ex The Elektronic Knights, new 06/92-01/93). Parasite was originally founded by Dino and Peter. The original founders later left, and declared the group to be dead. An attempt to revive it was made by Danish superswapper Speedy, but this was quickly denied by the original founders, now active on the PC. See the entry for Parasite [new] for more information on this. The two founders now run Parasite PC, and the Amiga section is officially dead and will never be revived. News in EuroChart #15 (declaring the group's birth) reported that Dino, Slide, Mount, Easley, Shayera and Gargoyle all came here from Cult, which conflicts rather extensively with my information... Can anyone confirm or deny if Shayera's PST-Tracker (12/92) was ever released? Founder Dino (ex TSC/Prologic, new mid91-01/93) and Gotcha joined Spoon. Danish coder Shayera (ex Cult, new 06/90) and Jack got kicked. Danes Yeager and Mongole (both ex Illusion, new 06/90) joined Surprise! Productions (RAW4). Danish musician Slide (10/92-12/93) joined Polka Brothers, first as a doublememb, and later fulltime. Later danes Gargoyle (code, ex Aero, 10-12/92), Easley (org swap, 09-12/92), Mount (gfx, 09-10/92) and Pixie (gfx, ex Triax, new mid93) also joined. Imperial Tunes (1992, 15.10, ECS Musicdisk). code: Gargoyle, Tas, gfx: Slide (font), Splatt (logo), Airwalk/Kefrens (font), music: "Insane People!", "Bones Brigade", "Caused by Bordom", "free From Wires!", "Hidden Rebel" by Slide, "Always", "Free", "Cold Destiny", "Strings In Space" by Liquid. info: Released before THE FOUR SEASONS. Apprently very good. Contains secret part. Zyclonium (1992, 28.12, ECS File). code: Gargoyle, Tas, gfx: Splatt (dragonlogo, endpartlogo, cycloniumlogo), Easley (dragonlogo, greenborders, rotatescrolllogo), Dino (crystals,blue parasitelogo), music: "Mesmerized" by Slide (PP21 format). 16th in The Party 92 demo competition. · Demo 2 (1993, ECS File). code: Gargoyle, Tas, gfx: Splatt, Colin (raytrace), Dino (additional), Slide (additional), music: "Vodka" by Slide. Review: An extensive demo with several new and innovative effects, plus heaps of graphics. The tune is a forgettable funk affair. The demo requires minimum 1mb total memory. Type SECRET PART for the hidden part (a vector-world and a text-plotter). The supposed '8 spheres' is just 5 spheres and 3 sprites, as revealed in Upstream #7! Zeg claims the erelased date is 01/94...? · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. The Four Seasons (1993, .01, ECS Musicdisk). code: Solid, gfx: Dino, music: "Winter Time" by Nut Weelin, "Pseudo My Mous", "Drums by an Alien", "Trains of Horror", Minor After Minor", "The Great Warrior", "Bali Dancer" by Liquid, "Blending", "Obtain Majority" by Slide (all mods PP21 format). Released after The Party 2. Imperial Tunes 2 -The Hitsingle- (1993, 19.05, ECS Musicdisk). code: Gargoyle, Tas, gfx: Mount (others), Splatt (loadergfx), Slide (font), music: "Believe In Me", "Judgement Day" by Slide & Liquid, "Introtune" by Liquid (all mods PP21 formats). Pink In Mono (1993, .12) The Dentro 1 (1993, 28.12, File). code: Gargoyle, gfx: Splatt, music: Slide (PP21 format). Dansk Toppen #03 (1994, 26.08, ECS/AGA Diskmag). code: The Whistle/Parasite (intro part), gfx: Bizzardt/Parasite (intropart), Devilstar/Spaceballs (aga titlepic), music: "Techno7-tw" by The Whistle (Tracker Packer 3 format). Cooperation with Razor 1911. Parasite [new] (1995-95) ------------------------ DEN> Butthead (org code), Speedy (org swap trade). NOR> Felix (org swap), Magz (gfx). ???> Cyberstorm (gfx), Eagle, Jummen (swap), Mind (code), Mosher (swap), Scoop (code), S.M.D. (gfx), Yabbo (org music). The new Parasite was a very shortlived project, since the original founders didn't approve of a new Parasite - they felt they owned the rights to the name! Partners In Crime (PIC, -1991) ------------------------------ Partners In Crime died aroung mid 1991. Some people joined Paranoid and Cytax, Holy is independent. Passion (PSN, 1994-) -------------------- DEN> Blizzart (gfx, ex Kefrens, 11-12/94), Cutcreator (Allan Kirkeby, music, ex Static Bytes, new early95), Raven (sysop 'THE LOOP', 12/94), The Colonel (trade, 11/94), Zarch (trade, ex Triflex). ???> Black Angel (sysop 'PLATINUM', 11/94), Guybrush (gfx), Jake (music, 11/94), Razta (code, 11/94), Red Cheese (ex Rebels, new late95), Tronic, X-Man (trade, ex Addonic, new ROM5). Passion is a demo group based in Denmark. 1997 - Swapper Adonis joined Amaze Design late97. Ibenz left for Digital around 09/97. Danish graphician Silicon (11/94-08/95) joined Rebels (ROM9). Danish graphician Prowler (12/94-12/95) left to join Scoopex (ROM9). Organizers Pearl (Martin Serup, swap edit "Dansktoppen", 11/94) and The Whistle (code music, 11/94) have both left the scene, which makes PSN's future highly uncertain. Silicon is still in, but the destiny of the remaining PSN members Guybrush, Prowler and Cutcreator is unknown. Their contact with the group in the last months were very scarce (ROM8). Does this mean we can declare Passion dead? Danish musician Subject (doublememb Balance, 11/94) terminated his double membership, changed his handle to Prophet and joined Scoopex 01/97. Danish swapper Decoy (ex Control, 11/94-03/96) joined Puzzle (ROM8). Talented danish coders Boogeyman (ex Oblivion, new 11/94) and Scope (ex Balance) both joined Scoopex (ROM8). Ramosa (Jacob Ramskov, Music, 11/94, ex Oblivion?) and Tsar1 (swap) were both asked to leave, while sysop Webster ('ELECTRONIC CONFUSION') left the scene completely (04/96^ROM7). · Passionate (1994, 22.11, File). Code: The Whistle, Gfx: Silicon, Guybrush, Blizzart, Music: "Brave_New_ WorldV1.1" by Ramosa (Tracker Packer 3 format). Review: It doesn't CONTAIN anything, does it? There's a few not-too-good pictures, the odd uninteresting effect or two... But now, having watched it, I can't remember a single outstanding thing. Dull. The first ever PSN production. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Dansktoppen #4 (1994, late, Chart). Code: n/a, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a, Editor: Pearl. · Nitte! (1994, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro). Code: Boogeyman, Gfx: Blizzart, Music: "Old School Chip #1" by Subject. 3rd in The Party 4 40k intro competition. Review: Boogeyman's first production for PSN was this 40k intro. · GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. Note: Not enough memory. Probably needs 2mb chip, and is therefore AGA only, since only AGA machines have 2mb chip. A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. · Alien Dream (1994, 28.12, AGA File). Code: The Whistle, Gfx: Silicon, Blizzart, Music: "Alien_Dream" by Ramosa (Tracker Packer 3 format). 19th in The Party 4 demo competition. Review: A lot better than The Whistle's previous 'Passionate', though he's reused one or two effecs. The opening picture of the grinning green head by Silicon was later used in Boogeyman's 'Vacation 2' also, though in a different context. Anyway, the best parts of 'Alien Dream' is probably the music and the tunnel parts. Nice and subtle, this is. Oh, and the small picture in the endpart was nice too. Approved. AGA only, but for no apparent reason. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Vacation (Demo). Code: Boogeyman, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a. Alien Inspiration (1995, .06, AGA File). Code: Boogeyman, Gfx: Blizzart, Pris/Edge, Music: Subject. · Vacation 2 (1995, 11.08, AGA FAST File). Code: Boogeyman, Gfx: Prowler, Silicon, Boogeyman, Music: "Hollywodden Head4" by Subject (Tracker Packer 3 format). Review: Again, this is good! Boogeyman keeps impressing, as a coder that cares about how his productions look. There's plenty of goodlooking effects, including a variation I've never seen before! We're shown smooth and good stuff like a voxelspace, phong, bitmap manipulation, texture mapping, bitmap interference with smileys :), and a new combination; gouraud glenz! The endpart looks a lot like Lone Starr/Spaceball's intro for R.A.W #5, don't you think? The accompanying text file mentions it requires 'some fast'. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · ComaDose (1995, 28.12, 40k Intro). Code: Boogeyman, Music: "Gatecrashing-4" by Subject (TrackerPacker 2 or 3 format). 15th in The Party 5 40k intro competition. Review: Very good. This is competent in all areas, with a functional tune and good, strong, solid routines. Everything here - from the zooming intro, the zoomrotated stretching plasma, the 'dungeon', the fast blue tunnel, to the envmapped objects - is done in goodlooking style with fast routines. It's a consistently solid production. If they'd left out the dungeon part and substituted it for a picture or an improved tune, I'd be over the moon. As it is, I'm just slightly hovering :) Passion obviously lost a great resource when Boogeyman joined Scoopex. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Chronic (1996, 06.07, AGA Demo). Code: Boogeyman, Music: Slide/Polka Brothers. Winner of the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition! Pearl ----- AUS> Rabbi (swap), Sumaleth (Rowan Crawford, gfx). Australian musician Hunz (ex Southern Guild, 94) joined Sauce early 94. Vacation 2 (Demo). Code: n/a, Gfx: n/a, Music: Subject/Balance (ProRunner 2.0 format). Satisfaction Guaranteed (1993, 05.12, ECS File). Code: Netrunner, Gfx: Alchemist, Music: Mel. Rosedale BBS Intro (1993, 27.12, ECS Intro). Code: Flex/Davlex Design, Gfx: Sumaleth, Music: Ginseng/Alchemy. Released at The Party 93. Pearl Party 94 (1994, .01, ECS File). Pearl Party Update (1994, 11.03, ECS File). Code: Netrunner, Gfx: Sumaleth, Music: Astroboy. Doomed (1994, 20.05, ECS File). Code: Netrunner, Tachyon, Gfx: Sumaleth, Alchemist, Music: Astroboy. Pentagon (1991-) ---------------- FRA> Adx, Cholles, El Gob, Insider, Jug, Lupus, Merclaw, Nitch System, Post Mortem. USA> Crayon. Cheap Blittering (1991, 06.02, ECS File). Cooperation with Drifters, see there. Perfection ---------- Boards; EUROPE'S HEART (also in TRSI, 02/93). I've never heard of Perfection before or after, but since they had an elite board like 'EUROPE'S HEART', I guess they're worth noting. Modem only? Perfects, The (1990-) --------------------- SWI> Atomix (new 03/90), X-Large (new 05/90). The Perfects were a swiss demo group, born in 1990. When they died, swiss members Axel (music), Fly (code) and Peace (gfx) all joined Brainstorm, while Dr.O, Rotter, Israel and Sledge joined Zeus. Perplex ------- DEN> Ramosa (music, later Oblivion, 10/93). Perspex ------- ENG> Huk (swap). ???> G-Zuz (gfx, new WHN1), Smudge (ex Marram, new WHN1). Boards; ALTERNATE REALITY WHQ (new WHN1), CD EXCHANGE (usa). Sysop Proteus ('PARADISE LODGE') quit. His board is now PD only (WHN1). Phalanx ------- FIN> Roland (music, later Gate, 89), Tai-Pan (code, later Complex, 89). Norwegian musician Walkman joined IT. Blob (ex X-Beat, new 01/89) joined Gate. Roland's Musicbox (1989, .01, Musicdisk). code: Blob, gfx: n/a, music: Roland. Phantasie (-1990) ----------------- This Australian group died around early 1990. Most members joined ACU. Phantasm [old?] (PHM) --------------------- NOR> Blitzie (code), Decker (gfx music, later Andromeda?), Disaster (code), Dr.Bad (music), Ecstasy (code swap, re-Scoopex RAW4), Elling (code gfx swap), Floyd (gfx swap), Heartbreaker (gfx swap), Joker (gfx swap), Ogre (gfx), Winger (gfx). FRA> Clawz (music, later Extreme, 04/91). · Intro (1992, ECS Intro). code: Ecstasy, gfx: Ogre, Decker, Elling, music: "Astralbeat" by Decker. Released at The Gathering 92. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Phantasm [new?] (PHN) --------------------- GER> Gandalf (code raytrace sysop), Phoenix (Frank Wille, code, 95), SiliconSurfer (Tim Rühsen, code). ???> Apollo (code), Bastard (ascii), Crisi (Code), McCoy (Code), Noodles (music raytrace), Rico (music raytrace), Slaxx (gfx music), Spirit (code raytrace), Steeler (code), The Alien (code). Phoenix is the author of the assembler package PhxAss. cr8y joined Savage 04/96. BlackBox-Symposium Party Invitation (1995, early, AGA File). Cooperation with Polka Brothers, see there for details. Papi's Kamin (1996, 07.04, 4k Intro). 3rd in the Symposium 96 4k intro competition. Review: This 4k'er contains only one effect, a hypersmooth fire one. Just one single effect's not really enough to convince anyone, so it's no wonder this ended up last of the three competitors. The effect can be pause with the right mouse button. No credits appear in the intro. Phase ----- FIN> Crux, Darkman (swap, 92), Dr.Blitz, Duplex, Galactus, P-CU (swap, ex Electron), Taifun & Black Judge. Phase was formed when some members of Electron decided to kick all the lamers from their group, and form a new group. Norwegians Whiplash (code) and Acen joined Compact Inc. Daffy joined Byte Busters (05-06/92). Phase Distortion (PHD) ---------------------- GER> Airon (music), Cyclone (code), Lunkwill (code), Maniac (raytrace), Pirat (org music), Skywalker (code), Wiz Kid (gfx ascii projectorg), Xtreme (sysop). ITA> FBY (music). SWE> Johan (gfx) CRO> Juice (music ascii). Boards; PARADISE NEWS SYSTEM WHQ (ger), AMIGA CARRIER (+385), DIGITAL DISASTER (ger), PALLADIUM (ger), SWEET DREAMS (ger). Maniac is passive 06/96. Phase Truce (PHT) ----------------- POL> Binar (music, 11/96), Caro (gfx, 11/96), City (code swap, 11/96), Kaiser (code, 11/96), Luk (code swap, 11/96), Mecenas (org raytrace, 11/96), Mr.Peer (mainorg swap, 11/96), Revi (code, 11/96), Smooth (swap, 11/96), Traitor (gfx raytrace swap, 11/96), Wild (music, 11/96). Phase Truce are a purely Polish demo group. · Beut (1996, 10.11, ECS 64k Intro). code: Kaiser, gfx: Mecenas, Luk, music: Binar. 6th in the Gravity 96 64k intro competition. review: This one needs a lot of work; a rather uninspired affair. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA! Phase (1997, 14.12, 64k Intro). 6th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. · n/a (1998, 4k Intro). review: This is an extremely slow-moving intro on my machine, with admittedly large phong-objects, and a recurring overlaid 'Phase Truce' logo. No sound. Would be interesting to identify this =) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Phaze 101 (1989-) ----------------- ITA> Paranoid (code, 10/89). ???> Torch (code, 10/89). This group was born when the group "101 - The Maltese Hackers" changed their name. Phenomena (PHA, 1988-) ---------------------- SWE> Aqua (swap trade, ex Active, new ca 07/90), Aramon (new ca 07/90), Armsmaster (swap, 91), Azatoth (Olle Lindroth, code, +inactive+, 11/90-93), Celebrandil (Mårten Johansson, code, ex Fairlight, new 90, left scene 91), Color (Robert Andersson, gfx, ex Dual Crew, new 12/90- 92), Core (code, 91), Danko (music, 04/90), Dream Warrior (code, ex Triangle, 03/90-91), Firefox (Jimmy Fredriksson, music, 03/90-92), Jas (Jacob Ström, code, ex Rebels), Karon (trade, new 04/91-early92), Mace (code, ex Dual Crew, new 12/90), Madster (gfx, 91), Mantronix (Martin Wall, music, ex Razor 1911, new mid91-92), Mr.Gurk (code, ex Triangle, 08/89-91), Paralysis (swap, 91), Syncro (code, ex Science 451, new mid90), The Punisher (swap, new mid90), Tip (Robert Ling, music, ex Dual Crew, new 12/90-92), Twins (code, 04/90-91). PHA was a formed around 1988 by a guy called Avalon, who later left the scene. A successor of the group Crack Force Five, they were a swedish-only crew, stressing friendship as an important reason for this rule. Years later, of course, Andromeda would do the same thing. A pure demo group, they are perhaps the ones that made the best trackmo of all times; the fantastic "Enigma" [03/91]. While Scoopex' "Mental Hangover" [04/90] was the first trackmo, "Enigma" was the one that truly defined the standards of the genre. Unfortunately, after topping the charts for ages, Azatoth lost his initiative to code. Coder Celebrandil was one of the last great innovators if the scene, a.o. things introducing raytracing to demos in 1988. He also invented the much- used effects glenz vector and spacecut vector. Today he is working designing ICs for Stockholm-based firm Mentor Graphics, though he's still coding on his spare time - though sadly on the PC. Mr.Gurk was the author of one of the most-loved utils for the coder of the early days; the sinus-generator Cosaque (version 1.1 30.08.1989). Another of their coders, Vogue, would later move to the PC scene, where he joined a group called Triton, helped code their demos "Crystal Dream" (07/92) and "Crystal Dream II" (05/93), before he and Mr.H committed the music tracker program known as "FastTracker ][" (94). He is now busy co-writing the game "Into the Shadows". 1990 - After Uno's contribution to the Scoopex demo "Chromium" in november, he (gfx), Photon (code), Judas and Invid all joined Scoopex a month later, in december. Swedish coder Odeon (ex Majic 12) left to form the new Razor 1911 (RAW6). Swedish graphician Terminator (03/90-04/91) joined The Silents. Terminator worked on several classic Phenomena releases, including Music Dream II (91) and Enigma [03/91]. Swedish coder Antiaction (ex Vortex 42) joined Defjam. Innerspace. Joyride (pre 1992, .07, ECS File). Lost In Space (pre 1989, .11). Music Dream I (ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk). Heads Intro (1988/89?, ECS Intro). Code: Cobra, Gfx: Crome, Freedom, Music: Crome. Who Cares (1989, mid, ECS File). Code: Mr. Gurk, Gfx: Eagle, Music: Firefox. Bikie (1989, late?). Code: Mr.Gurk, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a. Megademo (ECS Megademo). Code: n/a, Gfx: n/a, Music: "Its No Secret", "Lets Party", "Like The Wind", "Megademo Tune v2" and "Never Ending Love" by Firefox. Spectre-Northstar Party Demo (1989, 05.11, ECS File). Code: U.F.A., Music: Firefox. Jocke Intro (1989/90?, ECS Intro). Code: Jocke, Gfx: Terminator, Music: Firefox. 420 Bobs (1990?, ECS File). Code: Mr.Gurk, Gfx: Eagle, Sensei/Censor, Music: Firefox. Ice Cold Coke (1990, .04, ECS File). Code: Mr.Gurk, Gfx: Twins, Music: Danko. Vectormania (1990, 03.11, ECS File). Code: Azatoth, Gfx: Uno, Music: Firefox. Winner of the Amiga Halloween Conference 90 demo competition! Information: Azatoth's debut demo. According to himself, very inspired by Red Sector Inc's "Cebit 90" (1990). Of course, his next demo was to be the landmark "Enigma" (1991). Fructail (1990, 09.12, ECS File). · Animotion (1990, 28.12, ECS File). code: Celebrandil, gfx: Havok/ex-Ecstasy (logo), music: Tip and Mantronix/Razor 1911 (NoisePacker format). Winner of Dexion Party demo competion! review: Good code and a great tune arre the best parts of this demo, which managed to climb all the way to the top at the classic Dexion party. The design is decidedly old-school, with a terrible logo at the top (Havok would later join Anarchy and Sanity and make great graphics), a scroller at the bottom and some effects in the middle of the screen. The effects are all quite acceptable, and probably pretty advanced by the standards of back then. This was presumably Celebrandil's first demo for Phenomena, since there's some text explaining why he left Fairlight. ADL mentioned it didn't work on the A1200, which puzzles me since it works perfectly fine here. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Obvious Disaster (1990, 29.12, ECS File). code: Mace, gfx: Color, Mace, music: Tip. Released at the Dexion Party 90. info: Needs KillAGA. Corkscrew (1991?, ECS File). Code: Photon, Gfx: Terminator, Music: Firefox. · Crystal Symphonies (1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk). Code: Jas/Phenomena, Gfx: Uno/Scoopex, Music: Tip & Mantronix. Cooperation with Scoopex and Rebels. Review: This Scoopex - Rebels - Phenomena coproduction was placed here, under Phenomena's entry, since the second CS was a pure Phenomena production. The Partial credits are based on text information in the bootblock. This classic is unreviewable, since it refuses to work on my current machine. Unfortunately my old A500 is long since deceased, so I can't get that out to check it out either :( · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Won't work, see review. Music Dream II (1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk). Code: Twins, Gfx: Uno, Twins, Firefox, Terminator, Music: Tip, Firefox. Information: Tunes are packed with Twins' utility NoisePacker 2, and are among others "Chinese Dream" (cooperation introtune), Macrocosm (firefox), "Mega_End" (cooperation endtune). ECES '91 Invitation (1991, ECS File). Interspace (1991, .03, ECS Disk). Code: 4042, Gfx: The Sarge, Music: "Interspace_Intro" and "The End" by Firefox, Mantronix/Razor 1911, Tip. · Enigma (1991, 30.03, ECS Trackmo). code: Azatoth, gfx: Uno, Terminator (message font), Imbecille/? (uncredited), music: "Musiklinjen" by Firefox & Tip. Winner of demo competition at the Anarchy Easter Party 91! Review: Azatoth proved to be a coder with a talent the like of which is seldom seen, when he created ENIGMA! Amazingly, this was only his second released demo. As soon as the first bears of the amazing title theme opens the show to a 3d starfield with overlaid credits, you sort of feel you're in for something a little special... And you have probably never been more right. Perhaps the demo with the most new ideas EVER, it set the standards for others to follow in the trackmo genre. Just amazing! It seems Uno contributed to this AFTER he left for Scoopex, since the ENIGMA logo is signed UNO SCX. The logo in the Star Wars scroller part is signed Imbecille, though he's not credited anywhere in the demo. I only experiences one slight problem when running it, there are some graphical errors in the ligtsourced world part. Otherwise everything went smoothly. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Crystal Symphonies II (1992, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk). Code: Jas, Gfx: Color, Music: Tip and Mantronix. Review: Now a pure Phenomena production, CS2 still bears strong resemblances the the first edition. The fact that the same basic code has been used has perhaps a little to do with that... Style-wise, this is as smooth as it gets, with exceptional music, smooth graphics and a damn-near perfect code. Lots of options, including volume control and lots of scrollers to read. A true classic. The tunes on the disk are 'The Sweat Shop' (7:50), 'Yummy Gap' (3:15), 'Liberation' (2:40), 'Disharmony' (3:52), 'Life-Phobia' (2:13), and 'The Search For Me' (4:02). · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Phobia ------ NOR> Jamcat, Jason Futuro, Mr.Dixon, Mr.Hat, Phisto, The Ruler. AUS> Ragman (sysop 'IMAGERY'). Phobia is dead. Joker joined Network. Seigmenn in Space (ECS File). Phoenix ------- SWE> Beathoven (music), Creep (mainorg, 90), Dino (code, 90), Dr.Strange (code crack, 90), Extazia (gfx music, 90), JS (code, 90), Lance (code), Lexter (code, 90), Lux Interior (music, 90), Marvin (code gfx music, 90), Megatron (code), Mosh (code, 90), Mr.Bad (music), New Age, Nitz (gfx music, 90), Prime (swap), Proton (code), Sensor (gfx swap, 90), Skywize (code, 90), Sledge (gfx, 90), Teeze (mainorg gfx swap, later Anarchy, 90), Twister (gfx music, 90), Zims (code, 90). FIN> Hit (code, 90), Mtp (gfx, 90), Rubberboy (code, 90). NOR> Bad Sector (music, 90), Bladder (code, 90), Duke (swap, 90), Sphinx (gfx music, 90), The Chosen (swap). ENG> Isis (code, 90), Marc P (music swap, 90), Penguin (swap, 90), Turbo D (swap, 90). HOL> STP Sound System (music, 90). N-Z> Access 2 (90), Arm & A Leg (90), Diffusion (90), Dr.Pain (90), Mollysoft (sysop, 08/90), Pseudosoft (90), Rojhal (90), Sillysoft (90), Trojan Blue (90). USA> Darth Wader (code). Phoenix was a demo group based in Sweden, under the leadership of Teeze and Creep. Zed joined Defekt. Megademo II (pre 1989, .11). Cheapdemo (1990, 12.04, ECS File). code: Hit, gfx: MTP, music: Twister. nonworking A500 /000-7 /1mb chip, 4mb fast/1.3^2.04. Phokuz ------ Phokuz on Penis (1993, 24.02, File). Code^Music: Brondan, Grandmaster D, Gfx: Brondan, Grandmaster D, Brandywine Productions, Major Tom. Whiskey Sunrize (1993, 06.06, Intro). Code^Gfx: Brondan, Music: Hecko. More Blood (1993, 24.09, File). Code: Brondan, Gfx^Music: Sicko, Hecko. Phuture 303 (P303) ------------------ GER> Angeldust (gfx swap), Base (swap, late95), Cie (Thilo Geertzen, music swap, ex Appendix, new late95), Clever (swap), CMP Design (gfx), Xedos (code). SWE> Axehandle (code), Badger (Martin Ahlqvist, gfx swap, late95), Leo (Paul Barker, swap, 94), Parsec (Erik Spåre, code, 01/98). POL> Blaze (Patryk Kalinowski, swap, alte 96), Dave (music swap ascii, doublememb Freezers, new 06/96), Digital (music, doublememb Vacuum, new 06/96), Lightman (raytrace, new 06/96), Mopty (raytrace, new 06/96), Mr. Uhu (swap), Nico (code, new 06/96), Trash (gfx, doublememb Vacuum, new 06/96). DEN> Chelsea (gfx), Drac (swap), Jaxx (music), Ravid (code). ENG> Daze (gfx swap), LFO (code music swap, late95), Rage (internet), VIM! (music), Zenophobe (trade). FIN> Substance (music). NOR> Zany (music), Zapotek (swap, 09/96). ???> Echo (music, doublememb LSD, new ROM9). SUB> Rave Network Overscan (RNO). Rave Network Overscan (RNO) has become a sub-group of Phuture 303; RNO is pure A500 and so has become the A500 division of Phuture 303 06/96. Striker was kicked due to inactivity 06/96. PICI ---- PICI is a Czech group. Laxative (1993, ECS Musicdisk). Picco ----- ???> Grogon (gfx, 97). Picco is a Polish demo group. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that polish coder ALN [ [misspellt Alan] joined Dinx Project. Hills (1996, 23.06, 4k Intro). Winner of the Polish Summer Party 96 4k intro competition! Tonite (1997, 4k Intro). code: ALN, gfx: Grogon, music: none. Pic Saint Loup (PSL)/Appendix (subgroup) ---------------------------------------- ???> Dr.Cloo (91). PSL is a Polish music group, quite famous down there, who recently joined Appendix as a subgroup. PIL --- POL> QBA (swap, triplememb Nah Kolor and Anadune, late 96). PIL is probably a shortname for something else. Piranhas -------- Piranhas were a mainly Swiss demo group. 1990 - Into the second half of the year, the group was experiencing severe internal problems. They lost their swiss sysop TMA ('THE LAST HOPE', ex Slimebyte, new 05/90) and several members were kicked or left. Pirates (PTS) ------------- GER> Chip-Buster (91), Cobra (sysop 'BREAKING THE WALL'), Crime Time (91), Disaster (91), Freak (sysop 'STOLEN SLIME' EHQ, 91), General (91), Housequark (91), Railway (91), Shogun (91), Subzero (91), Warlord (sysop 'ANIMALIZE'). SWE> Agent (swap, 91), Beethoven (91), Clifton (91), Cruzer (91), Dark Priest (91), Dr.Diesel (91), Dr.Mad (91), Drew (91), Elias (91), Jac (91), Jazz (91), Lonewolf (91), Maestro (91), Matrix (91), Mercy (swap, 91), Metal (91), Rille (sysop 'IMAGINE'), Sledge (09/91), Smooky (91), The Master (sysop 'SLIME CITY', new 09/91), Trodac (sysop 'PIRATES NEST', 91), Wildcat (91), Zed (91). NOR> Ace (91), Devil (Jan Henrik Kragtorp, swap, 91), Gusman (91), Hugo (91), Hungman (91), Pepperoni (91). N-L> Dr.Soft (91). ENG> Airbrush (91). TUR> BZ & Beyaz (sysops 'EAST END', 91), Titan (sysop 'TURKISH DELIGHT', 91). USA> Shadowlord (91). ???> Shocker (ex Energy). Pirates was a mainly German illegal group. 1991 - The entire group Roadriders joined as a Turkish division in the middle of the year. Winger (old handle Eagle) joined Noxious. Dutch swapper Antichrist (ex Angels old, 91) left early 92, and is now independent. German sysop Flashlight ('ELITE TOWER', 91) joined Legend. The Swedish section broke up, and most of its members joined Amaze. American sysop Q ('CRYSTAL MONOLITH' WHQ, ex Addonic, new mid 91) joined Skid Row. Nox joined LSD (RAW3). Cap and Ribald (ex Argon) left the Pirates^Possessed coop to join Legend. Eazy-E also joined Legend (RAW3). Another source claimed he was one of the legal members who joined Kreators... Pirates split up, and all the legal members formed Kreators. The illegal members are still called Pirates (RAW2). Twix joined Byte Busters (RAW2). Techno Priest joined Cytax (RAW2). Finnish swapper Tony is now Model/Sonic. Plague ------ ENG> Coaxial (ex Archaos). USA> Prometheus (sysop 'HARDWIRED', 92). Irish sysop Green Beret ('CRACKHOUSE') joined Frogs briefly, before moving on to Submission 08/92. Delbs joined LSD early 92. Shockwave joined Ghost (RAW4). Musician Dexter joined Digital 04/92. Englishmen Recoil and Darkman joined Eclipse new. Finnish swapper Ice (92) left the scene, but returned after a long time as Mick/Dual Crew (STD10). Gridlock (1992, 04.04, ECS File). Planet Jazz (PJZ) ----------------- NOR> Tecon (Per Kristiansen, 02/98). ???> Lavache (02/98), Morbid (code, 02/98), Optic (gfx, 02/98), Sublett (code, ex Giants, new ROM9, 02/98). I'm currently living with a distinct feeling that they're all Norwegian. · Yo Elephant (1998, 23.02, AGA Intro). Code: Morbid, Sublett, Gfx: Optic, Music: Tecon. Review: Ehrmm...right. These guys won't win any prizes for seriousness, that's for sure. But then again, I don't think that was what they were aiming for, do you? What we have here is a 600k intro that - while a little large - is good, absurd entertainment for a minute or two. OK, I'll just come out and say it: I like this little slice of weirdness! Do it again, guys! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Plasma ------ Ben and Thor joined Defekt (RAW6). Platin (PLT) ------------ GER> Gfx-Twins (gfx, ex Iris), Kais (code, ex Addicts, new mid93), Lotus, Obelix (Manfred Otte, org swap, ex Nuance, new RAW5), Thexder (ex Laserdance), Xeniator (trade sysop 'SATAN'S PALACE', ex Dual Crew, new RAW5). ???> Ace (new RAW5), Brainiac (code, ex Mador, new WHN1), Caliph (sysop), Direct (code, ex Dytec, new GEN6), Elliott (music), Emilio (music), Freezer (ex Dark Circle, new RAW5), Judas (music), Moon (phreak, new RAW5), Mr.Magic (sysop 'BLACK PLANET' WHQ), Necrotism (Gfx, old handle Techno One), Sommer (new RAW5), Spirit (ex Nuance, new RAW5), Triace (music), Wildschwein (code). Platin was a German demo group. Mac and Urchin are NOT members! German "Generation" editor Damion (ex Amaze, new 09/92) left to form Artwork 11/94. Shortly after, Detector (ex Mexx, new mid93), The Loop (music, ex Arise or Scandal, old handle DPL, 12/94) and Jive all followed (ROM4). German Faxe (new RAW5) left. Exact and Buster got kicked. Germans Stingray (trade) and Byte.Max (sysop 'MYROOM CITY') were both kicked mid93. Stingray had just joined. Musician Sonic (ex Pulse, new WHN1, 12/94) joined Avantgarde (UPS10). Ascender joined Vanish (RAW5). German sysop Joke ('DARK CENTER', ex Dark Circle, new RAW5) left. German sysop Phantom ('HEAVENS GATE', ex Dark Circle, new RAW5) was kicked late93. German Spoiler (ex Addicts, new mid93) joined Duplo (WHN1). Warlord, sysop 'CELTIC CROSS' joined Anthrox (RAW4). Germans Chromag (music) and Desto joined Dual Crew (RAW4^STD10). · Generation issue #6 (late 92/early 93, Diskmag). Code: Fred of Visdom/Netzwerk, Gfx: Necrotism, Music: "Eating Glass. Remix" by Flash/Paradise, Editor: Damion. Review: This is an early issue of 'the mag with no articles', Generation. It's basically just a news-and-ad mag, the kind that's more usually called a packmag these days. It's small, though, so why it wasn't made a one-file mag is beyond me. There's nothing that stands out here, either way. The graphics are functional, but not good, and the same goes for the music. Not too exciting. Can't find a release date anywhere here, so I had to guess. My guess is based on the news; it often collided with SLH11 and sometimes with RAW4. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA! Plaztique D-Zign/Twilight subdivision ------------------------------------- DEN> Genius, Melomaniac, Sundown. ???> Cybersoul. Boards; SYNERGY WHQ (den), ARTIFICIAL WONDER (den). Pleasure -------- GER> Cobra (C.Doering, gfx music, 04-11/92), Dulux (Axel Gajewski, gfx swap, old handle Picolo, 11/92-93), Fashion Design (Andreas Keirat, gfx swap, 04/92), Gemini (D. Bruns, ex Centura, new SLH11^GEN6). FIN> Gazer (ex Krafted). ???> Ben (gfx, 04/92), Chap (code, 04/92), Chip (code, 04/92), MC Noise (code music, 93), Raistlin (code, 11/92), Ripguy (music, 04/92), Sallow (gfx, 11/92). Dope left the Amiga scene and bought a PC (SLH11^GEN6). One Day Meetro (1992?, ECS Intro). Code^Music: Mc Noise, Gfx: Picolo. The Taste of a New Generation (1992, .04, ECS File). Code: Chip, Chap, Gfx: Ben, Fashion Design, Cobra, Music: Ripguy. Released at the Shining 8 Party 92. Birthday Intro (1992, 15.11, ECS Intro). Code: Raistlin, Gfx: Picolo, Sallow, Cobra, Music: Cobra. Attention (1993, early, ECS Intro). Code: Tomcat/Paragon, Gfx: Picolo, Music: Mc Noise. Pointless --------- SWE> Ache (org music, 12/93-08/94), Drowsy (code), Nrg (org code music, 12/93-08/94), Prowler (gfx trade, 08/94), Zod (code, 08/94). · Iltis (1994, 06.08, 40k Intro). Code: Zod, Nrg, Gfx: Prowler, Music: Ache. 12th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. Review: Certainly no doubt that Pointless have squeezed at lot of the 30k of diskspace that this intro occupies. This intro is BRIMMING with effects of varying quality. The best bits are the remarkably great Pointless logo (which reminded me a lot of Fade One's twisty logos!) and a fast, good 3D dot landscape. Other things here are a 2x2 fractal zoom, a fast linedrawer, a zoomrotating 'Iltis' logo, and a 3D starfield. The music is the real letdown, with its techno overkill approach. Not bad at all, and certainly not pointless :) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Poisen ------ Catweazle, Toxic and Emax joined Zylon mid 91. Poison ------ ???> Expert (ex Panic, new nGEN6). Polaris ------- SWE> Noice (Tony Welving, music swap, ex Cytax, new 09-12/92), Wiquie (swap, ex Cytax, new 09/92). Polaris was originally a Croation team. Their Swedish section was formed late 92 by Noice and Wiquie from Cytax. After The Ripper (ex Nightfall, new PRP4), ROD (swap), Satan, Dr.J, Alpha, Metal, Blue Deville, Diablo and Elf joined Banana Dezign, the group died. Polka Brothers (1993-) ---------------------- DEN> Airwalk (Jesper Knudsen, founder code, ex Kefrens, new UPS10, 08/93- 98), Devilstar (gfx, doublememb Virtual Dreams [details], 95), Easley (gfx swap, ex Parasite), Gargoyle (code, ex Parasite, 12/94), Julius (music, ex Lemon., 95), Merge (Anders E. Hansen, code, ex Kefrens, old handle Laxity, new 12/94-95), Mount (Tage Majland, gfx, ex Parasite, 04/94-12/95), Pixie (gfx, ex Parasite, 12/94-12/95), Slide (music, ex Parasite, 04/94-12/95), Zinko (Jack Dandanell, swap, ex Kefrens, new UPS10, 95). GER> Argon (code, ex Complex, new 12/94-95), Crash (Marco Schultz, code, ex Complex, new 12/94-95), Crazy Crack (Boris Fornefeld, code, ex Complex, new 12/94-12/95), Chromag (Timm Albers, music, later Essence, 12/94-95). ???> Colin (gfx, 04-12/94), Omar (music, 94), Sca (code, 95), Vandrup (gfx, 12/94-12/95). Polka Brothers were originally born mostly as a Danish joke group with members doublejoining in from other groups. The original memberlist, as shown in POLKA BROTHER? demo, were Airwalk/Kefrens, Vention/Kefrens, Easley/Parasite, Twilight/Desire, Mount/Parasite and Dice/Kefrens. Of these, Twilight later left the scene to make game music for Craftgold. Polka Brothers will definitely live on in the annals of demo history as one of the crews that brought humour to demos in a big way. Together with the pioneers Budbrain and Melon., these are probably the FUNNIEST groups! Four german ex-Complex members teamed up in december 94, one of which promptly won The Party 4 intro competition for them! Danish coder Airwalk was totally gone from the scene fro two years, from 1995 to 1997, but now seems to be doing a comeback of sorts! The reason for Airwalk's disappearance was that he had to serve in the army. Apparently, he liked it there and stayed for two years! He is now back, however, has picked up coding again, and will probably be releasing something for the Polka Brothers in the near future! Another danish coder, Vention (ex Kefrens) left to work for FunCom in Norway in 1994, and stayed in the country. In late 97/early 98 he popped up again, this time as a member of Scoopex! German coder Raw Style (ex Complex, new 12/94) left pretty soon to join the bright new German hope Lego in early 95. Danish musician Tivurr (ex Kefrens, old handle Dice, new UPS10) joined Movement (ROM4). This seems unlikely, given that he worked on No! (12/95)... Perhaps he later rejoined? Megademuuuh (1993, Demo). · Polka Brother? (1993, .08, AGA Intro). Code^Gfx^Music: Airwalk/Kefrens. Released at the Melon Dezign Birthday Party 93. Review: This seems like a sort of first production, introducing the Polka Brothers to the world. There are some stuff inbetween the various text pages, like dots falling down on a spinning vector plate, but nothing to shout about. On the 030, the text pages switch so fast it's hard to read them though before it moves on to the next one. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Noname (1994, AGA File). Code: Vention, Laxity (additional), Gfx: Devilstar, Pixie, TNT, Music: "1" by Slide. Review: Devilstar's indian picture is cool! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Bobble Trouble (1994 or later, AGA File). Code: Sca, Gfx: Devilstar, Dize/TSL, Music: "Courtsofchaos" by Omar. Review: Typical early Polka production, with fast (mostly vector-based) effects in quick succession, this is sort-of FRIDAY AT EIGHT light. Some might find the 'spank my monkey' animation tasteless, but I guess that's all down to your sense of humour. This is not extraordinary in any way, I'm afraid. Not badly done, but fails to stand out from the crowd. I have a VERY approximate release date based on text in the module saying it was done in 1994. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Friday At Eight (1994, 03.04, ECS File). Code: Airwalk, Gfx: Mount, Colin, Music: "Goy Stole Final re3" by Slide, ? by Dice. 3rd in The Gathering 94 demo competition. Will work on A500's with 1mb total mem. Gevalia (1994, 26.06, Demo). Music: "Stave 2Kontrol Awk" by Slide. 2nd in the South Sealand 94 demo competition. Blob (1994, late, Slideshow). Code: Airwalk, Gfx: Pixie, Music: Tivurr, Slide. Alone (1994, late, File). Code: Gargoyle, Gfx: n/a, Music: n/a. Love Me Daddy (1994, 13.11, Demo) 14th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition. · 4k0 (1994, 28.12, 40k Intro). Code: Crash, Gfx: Mount, Music: Chromag. Winner of The Party 4 40k intro competition! Review: It never lets up for a second, but just keeps going from start to finish. Polished but rough, and with a great sense of design, the german Crash dominates the Party 4 intro competition! Another great factor in the success of this intro is the music by Chromag, which also helps the adrenalin-pumping. Best part: The fabulously fast voxel routine which actually looks like mountains! Fabulous. Excellent. Awesome! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · The Prey (1994, 28.12, AGA Multifile, 2 disks). Code: Airwalk, Merge, Gfx: Colin, Pixie, Vandrup, Devilstar/VD, Music: Slide. 6th in The Party 94 demo competition. Review: Not bad early AGA demo, featuring ex-superstar Merge aka Laxity. This demo is most amusing as an 'early version of xxx effect' reference. Most routines in this demo have since been done a lot better. The music's the usual techno, tough not the worst tune I've ever heard. The two fullscreen pictures, Pixie's "Why?" and Devilstar's "Daddy Dearest", both competed in the graphics competition at The Party. The demo can be run from disk or harddisk according to your own personal preference. Average. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Twisted (1994, 28.12, AGA 2MB Trackmo, 4 disks). Code: Gargoyle, Gfx: Pixie, Slide, Colin, Vandrup, Music: Slide. 2nd in The Party 4 Wild competition. Utilizes external disk drives. · BlackBox-Symposium Party Invitation (1995, early, AGA File). Code: Crash and Argon, Gfx: Gandalf/Phantasm, Music: Noodles/Phantasm. Cooperation with Phantasm. Review: Heavy Metal music and lots of effects highlight this slightly unusual invitation intro/demo. Actually this is more like a demo with constantly changing effects, only with some party info overlaid, than anything else. This was made by Crash and Argon using their own utility DemoManiac, and that's the only reason I'm allowing it. Using something made with your own utility means you've still coded it yourself. Not bad, but far from great. A plus for unusual music, though. Ironically, Noodles won the music competition at the party he helped make the invitation for! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Facts (1995, 26.05, File). · Herb! (1995, 09.07, AGA 64k Intro). Code: Crash and Argon, Gfx: none, Music: Tivurr/Movement (Art of Noise 4ch format). Winner of the South Sealand 95 64k intro competition! Review: Flames and large, afterburned vector objects make up the fuzzy start of this intro. Next there's a grey phong torus before we finish up with the best routine in the intro; a goodlooking voxel terrain. Everything except the phong torus in "Herb!" is terribly blocky, which draws the overall impression down a bit... This is still a nice intro, but nothing of extraordinary interest. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Creep (1995, 28.12, AGA? 40k Intro). Cooperation with Artwork, see there. Winner of The Party 5 40k Intro competition! · No! (1995, 28.12, AGA File). Code: Crazy Crack, Gfx: Crazy Crack, Pixie, Mount, Vandrup, Music: "Spritzstunden.5" (main) and "Nature And A Doll" (end) by Slide, Tivurr (both Tracker Packer 3 format). 9th in The Party 5 demo competition. Review: This small demo (NO, I'm not talking about its disksize!) seems rushed and thrown together. It's not bad, albeit at this size perhaps a little short... They could have saved themselves the endpart, with the landscape and the sheep. It's not that pretty, and probably eats a lot of memory and diskspace. Still, the few effects here are reasonably good, with the standout one being a vector object with different rotating bitmaps on each side. The main tune is good, thumping techno, while the endtune is a little too weird for my taste. There is NO (hehe) mention in the demo of who made what tune, making it a little difficult for me to place the modules :) There's also a few OK pics by Pixie and Mount. The file is 2.8mb in size (unpacked), so this probably won't work on 2mb only machines... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Pornos, The ----------- The Pornos were a joke group formed by fun-loving members of other groups. There were *A LOT* of members for a while... TG94 Invitation (1994, .03, ECS File). Code: Claudia Schiffer, Gfx: Jokke, Music: Son-Ja. Invitation to The Gathering 94. Positron -------- Fantasy Space (Slideshow, 2 disks). Cooperation with Damones. Posse (PSE) ----------- Boards; CHAMELEON (fin, 10/95). Possessed --------- GER> Mr.Mistral (sysop 'BROOKLYN EMPIRE'), Satanic Slaughter (swap, late90), Steel (sysop 'DARK CITY OF FEAR', 91). USA> Gwenhwyuar (sysop 'ICEWIND DALE'). ???> Drax (new ca 07/90), Prime Evil (new late90). Boards; DEATH HOUSE (usa), STARGATE (usa). Creon, sysop 'DIGITAL DREAM' joined Crystal 09/92. Cap and Ribald left the Pirates^Possessed coop to join Legend (RAW3). German Annabel joined Creed (RAW2). Tiger is out of jail and back in the scene mid 91. He joined Model. German graphician Angel Dawn joined Jump mid 91, and Salvatore also joined. MegaMon (1991, ECS Intro). Potion ------ Suicidal (2000, 04.11, AGA PPC 64k Intro). code: Mavey, Diamond, gfx: Nelson, music: Tzx. Winner of the Satellite 2000 64k intro competition! info: Potion's first PPC-only production. Reviewed in Darkage's "Showtime #16" [04/01], where the reviewer called it "the best ppc intro so far". · Option (2001, 15.04, AGA PPC 64k Intro). code: Mavey, Diamond, gfx: Rork, Nelson (textures), Rem (textures), music: Skip. Winner of the Mekka Symposium 2001 64k intro competition! review: Well, another no-starter for me I'm afraid. Due to system requirements, I can only tell you what Option tells me =] This little beast of an intro REQUIRES an amiga with a PPC processor, a graphics card and 32mb fast ram. Ahem. Anyone with a suitably specced A4000 sitting in a cupboard somewhere doing nothing, that they'd like to donate to the good cause? Thought not. So anyway, here's their brag list of features effects: truecolor 640x480x32bit CGX screen, realtime raytracing, phong shading, bezier texture scaling, reflections, refractions, shadows, moving light, wather (not sure what they mean here... Weather? Water? =] -glenn), ppc sound engine, calculated 18 channels digiboosterpro music! Sounds tasty, doesn't it? Power ----- Christmas Ultra (1993, .12, ECS File). code: Zyron, gfx: Daddycool, Jebu, music: York. Powerdrive ---------- SWE> Biten Bytes (gfx, 01/90), Biz (swap), DoWN (Martin Vilcans, code gfx music, aka Dragon of Winter Night, 05/89-01/90), Dyne (gfx), Heradotos (code), Hrafnir (music), Hyperion (swap), Ralph 124C41+ (Staffan Vilcans, org gfx, 05/89-01/90). Powerdrive was a swedish demo group. Other demos released by the group include 'Computers in Control', 'Hyperspace', 'Sun Demo', 'Kilodemo', 'Vektor Hektor' and 'Stretch When Wet'. Thanks to Ralph 124C41+ for help with this section! Bad Luck Demo (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, gfx: DoWN (logos), Ralph 124C41+ (font), music: DoWN (?) Computers in Control (ECS Demo). code/gfx: DoWN, music: Hrafnir (intro), DoWN (main part). Hyperspace (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, gfx: DoWN, Ralph 124C41+, music: DoWN. Kilodemo (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, gfx: DoWN, Dyne, Ralph 124C41+, music: Hrafnir, DoWN. Metalpower (ECS Demo). info: The only thing ever produced by the swiss section! Stretch When Wet (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, gfx: DoWN, Dyne, music: DoWN. Sun Demo (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, gfx: Ralph 124C41+ (font), music: Fred. Vektor Hektor (ECS Demo). code: DoWN, Heradotos (vector coding), gfx: Ralph 124C41+ (?), music: Rob Hubbard (ripped). Snakewoman (1989, 13.05, ECS File). code: DoWN, gfx: Boris Valejo (main pic), Ralph 124C41+ (font), DoWN (logo), music: DoWN. Released for the demo competition at the Equinox and Horizon Party. Power Girls (1989, 08.07, ECS File). code: DoWN, gfx: Cai (pic, logo), Ralph 124c41 (font), music: "End" by Particle/Clones (SoundTracker 15 inst format). 30th in the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference 89 demo competition. Wadda (1990, 06.01, ECS File). code: DoWN, gfx: Ralph 124C41+ (large font, waddas), Biten Bytes (waddas), DoWN (logo, colouration of large font), music: DoWN (?). Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90. Powerline (PWL, 1995-) ---------------------- SWE> Chip (Jesper Svennevid, code, 06-12/97), Gunrider (Johnny Bengtsson, ascii, 06/97), Mad Druid (Magnus Eklund, 06-12/97), Orhan (gfx, 06/97), Raylight (Henrik Magnusson, code, 06-12/97), Wasp (Alex Löfgren, music, 06-12/97). Swedish coder Picnic left the group in 1995. The official Powerline ftp site is at Still Born (1995, 17.06, AGA HD File). 2nd in the Icing 95 demo competition. info: Powerline's first demo. · Repugnance (1997, 17.06, AGA 4MB Multifile). code: Raylight, Chip, Scout/C-Lous (c2p), gfx: Orhan, music: Wasp. Winner of the Icing 97 demo competition! review: "Repugnance" is a power demonstration, nothing less. It's a demo that twists and turns, bends and swings, and all perfectly timed to the heavy beat of the techno soundtrack. And I don't mean that in a bad way. There's something a little fresh about this demo, something a little extra that puts it up there as one of the best demos of 1997. It's hard to pull out specific effects and say 'this is excellent', since it's the way it works together that makes it special. There's great performances on every level here, with the coders doing a great job, the graphician turning in an amazing semi-abstract fullscreen, and the musician keeping it all together with a heavy, dynamic tune. Recommended. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Enforcing The Law (1997, 28.12, AGA 8MB Multifile). Code: Raylight, Chip, Scout/C-Lous (c2p), Gfx: Mad Druid (video clips), Music: Wasp. 11th in The Party 7 demo competition. Review: Before watching this demo, I read the accompanying text file. It told me that although this demo would run on my system, it would be slow and not very exciting, since it was optimized for 060 processors. There was even a requester when I ran it, saying that it would not perform to its best on my system. So I doubleclicked the file, not expecting to be impressed in any way. And I have never been happier about being wrong. "Enforcing the Law" is the second surprise from the new Swedish hope (well, at least in my eyes :), Powerline. It is a much more bleak, dark and monochrome demo than "Repugnance" was, but in some ways this actually works to its advantage. I don't think I've ever seen a demo in this genre look more 'colorful' in almost total black and white. I know I'm not making sense, but don't take my word for it - go see it yourself. But let's not forget the speed issue. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! I watched the demo on an ordinary Blizzard 030-50, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There are some stuff in this demo that will take your breath away, even on a humble machine like mine :) You won't believe your eyes when you see that ride along the road, with voxel mountains on all sides...and that shiny box towards the end, wow! And that twisting, zooming pattern...was that an animation? The only really SLOW parts I noticed were the video clips, and they're not really that important to the overall effect. One last thing I'd like to point out about this demo is the fact that they're actually trying to be innovative here! When everyone else is doing their fire effects, these guys have come up with some incredibly realistic smoke! And I have never seen ANYTHING like the aforementioned road trip before... Powerline are the best newcomers of 1997. This demo comes Highly Recommended from the staff here at Scenery. Wow. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Powerslaves, The ---------------- ???> Creator, Fantasy, James T. Kilroy, Joe Copper, The Red Fox. I _WILL_ write extensively about this classic group, and their trendsetting "Megademo", once I find the time :) AFAIK, they were primarily German. Megademo (ECS Megademo). Predators --------- Megademo (1990, early, ECS Demo, 2 disks). Prestige (PSG) -------------- GER> Saito (crack, ex Crack Inc). N-L> Deathknight (org trade, 03/93-11/94), Fletcher (03/93), Jake (sysop 'NO VEGETABLES', 03/93), The Freak (03/93). DEN> Enzo (sysop 'SKY TOWER', nolongermemb, 03/93-10/95). POL> Mok (crack, 03/93-07/94). CAN> Devious Doze (sysop, bbs was 'AKIRA PROJECT' in Nemesis 07/92, 03/93), The Joker (sysop 'JOKER'S DEN'). USA> The Wizard (sysop 'WIZARD PALACE'), Zion (sysop 'ZION'S HIDEOUT', 03/93). ???> Abh, Blackbird, Bomber Man (03/93), Candy Man, Chaotic Descent (03/93), Devil & Raven (den? nor? modem, 05-10/95), Fury (den? trade, 03/93-10/95), Groo (03/93), Hardrider (03/93), Hitman (03/93), Jabo (03/93), King Cobra, Leeroy, Mark (trade, 03/93-11/94), Mousebuster (03/93), Mr.Hyde (03/93), Nightshade! (03/93), Polaris (trade, 03/93-11/94), Ponton, Prince of Thieves (nor? 08/95), Raj! (den? nor? modem, 05-10/95), Samir (org crack, notmembanymore late95, 03/93), Shane (03/93), Shark (03/93), Skol (03/93), Snake & Delboy (den? 03/93-10/95), Striker (03/93), Stylemaster DJ (trade, ex Skid Row, 03/93), Troops (supply, 03/93), Troll (supply, 03/93), Willy (03/93). Boards; THE ENQUISITION (usa, 03/93), THE NOTICE (usa, 03/93), COMPLEX 39 (usa), CYCLONE (hol, 03/93), NEON CITY (hol, 03/93), EEK A MOUSE (bel, 03/93), WORLD OF ELITE (hol). Prestige were for quite some time one of the foremost Amiga illegal cracking groups. There were sections in Italy (selling console copiers), France and Switzerland. They are/were also active on the PC. For review of their cracktro done for them by Funzine, see their entry. Prestige is dead (ROM5). Panic left early 93, and is now independent. Killtech left for Paranoid late 92 or early 93. Another Cracktro (1992, .10?, ECS Intro). code: Duke, gfx: Alpha, music: Genius. It's Never Too Late (1992, 10.10, ECS File). code: Duke, gfx: Fnord, music: Genius. Released at Ami-Expo 92. The Big Jump (1992, 11.10, ECS File). code: Duke, gfx: Duke, Alpha, music: Genius. · Cracktro 1 (ECS Intro). review: This is their classic cracktro, plain blue background with just plain text overlaid. No music. Right mouse button to advance pages. Filesize for this intro is typically just 4.5K. Used for their crack of "Bloodnet AGA" (supplied by Troops & Troll). · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Primary Design Team, The (TPD) ------------------------------ · Click (1996, 18.08, AGA 64k Intro). code: Judge, gfx: Lion (font), music: Mad Jack. 4th in the Assembly 96 intro competition. review: Not good. No attention to design, boring music... The best part is the envmapped multi-spiked sphere. But overall...nah. I can't believe how this placed BETTER than the excellent C-Lous intro! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Prime (-1991) ------------- Prime is dead. Storm and most other members joined Energy, while Supermann joined Fairlight. 501 (ex Damian) joined TRSI. Tsunami and Zakka joined Omega. Red Devil and Cenobite joined Aero. Prime Design ------------ Fashion Design joined Static Bytes. Primus (1994-) -------------- Primus was formed when the German division of Orion was kicked out. Chucky, 2DD (renamed to Hyper Hype) and Beeblebrox (renamed to Gangsta) soon left for Obsession. Principes (PRC) --------------- GER> Tiger (Sascha Iwanov, swap pack 'Cypress', later Slope, 94). ???> Paladin (swap pack). Principles ---------- ???> Demonoid (ex FX, new WHN1), Xedius (new WHN1). Prisoners --------- USA> Rowdy Roddy Piper (sysop 'PIPER'S PIT'). Prodigy (PDY) ------------- GER> Argon (trade), Cyquest (trade), Diddl (supplier), Generation (sysop), Hitpoint (crack), Mercury (sysop), Nitro (mainorg), Nostromo (spread supply), Rastaman (trade), Razor (mainorg), S.U.X. (supply), Stargate (trade), The Best! (crack, 93). DEN> Joshua (sysop 'CONSCIOUS DREAM', triplememb Superiors and Zekt), Metal Force (crack sysop 'MERCYFUL FATE', 10/94-05/95). UK > Centory (supply). HOL> Jake (trade sysop). USA> Picard (sysop 'USS ENTERPRISE' WHQ, 05/95), Skeleton (sysop). ???> Alpha1 (code, 03/93-05/95), Gazzer (code), Laxical (music, 05/95), Mark Spoon (supply), Niko (supply, 93), Siriax (code train, 03/93- 05/95). Boards; PRIORITY ONE WHQ (usa, 93), DAWN OF ETERNITY (usa, 05/95), AMIGA MANIA (usa), TASK FORCE (ger), RADIO THEHERAN (ger), DESERT STRIKE (ger), DOOM OF EXTACY (ger, 05/95), COSMIC CIRCUS (ger, 05/95), BRAINCRASH (ger, 95), POOH (hol, 93), VANGUARD (aus), PHOBIA (aus, 95), BANDITS BBS (aus, 95), LIVING CHAOS (eng), NEO GEO (ger), ACID SLAM, STATE OF AVERSIA, NO VEGETABLES, SYSTEM ONE (console only), THE HOLE (93), CHILD'S PLAY (93), SYNERGY (93), CREEPING DEATH (93), CASTLE ROCK (93). Metal Force, sysop of 'MERCYFUL FATE' is just one of two sysops, the other one being Blackhawk/Paradox. · Trainer Intro by Abyss (1995, Intro). Code: Dexter, Gfx: Skindiver (font), Music: Pink (The Player 6.0A format). Review: Slightly unusual, but not very good is this trainer intro made for Prodigy by Abyss. The main screen has a standard 8x8 font, and a dot tunnel behind the text. There's a scroller at the bottom. As you press the button, you're progressing through several pages of text, and each page is separated by the screen clapping together, then opening up again - from the top right and the low left. Not terribly exciting. -- Used for Sensible Golf +14 (Kotzflash #29, by Siriax). · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Profecy ------- FRA> Gretzky (Vesco Franck, early93). ???> Furio (gfx, 08/93), SLN (music, 08/93). Mery left (SLH11). Numeric III (1992, 28.12, Disk, 2 disks). 24th in The Party 92 demo competition. Professionals, The (1987-) -------------------------- This was the group that started out a few legends... The two founders were George (later in Subway) and J.O.E (later in a.o. Scoopex). J.O.E (cofounder) left for the TSK Crew (88). Profex (PFX) ------------ FIN> Di33y (gfx music, later Dual Crew, 91), Ginky (code, 91), Jaz (code, 91), SJ (gfx, 91), Stormbringer (code, 91), Urpex (code, 91), Wiry (mainorg code gfx, 91). The most remarkable thing about Profex, I suppose, is the fact that later celebrity musician Dizzy was once a member. I also have him listed as a Decept member in 91... Coltrain joined Sigma. · Stenkil Frenkil (1991, ECS File). Code: Wiry, Gfx: SJ, Music: Di33y. Review: Nothing very remarkable about this small intro-thingy. The main focal point, naturally, is the stencil vectors Wiry has coded. Obviously inspired by Scoopex' "Mental Hangover" (where such vectors were first seen). Remarkably, it ran without a single hiccup. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Progress [old] (-1994) ---------------------- Progress died as a group early 94 (proabably) when they joined forces with Faith to create the new group Scandal. Progress [new] (PGS) -------------------- GER> Chuck (trade sysop 'STARGATE', 09/96). SWE> Sy-Klone (sysop 'WHITE ROOM', doublememb Arclite, 01/95). ???> Blade (trade), Capslockman (mainorg trade supply sysop), Cody (supply), Cujo (code), Disc-Devil (trade), Enemy (code), Excalibur (sysop), Hudson Hawk (gfx ascii trade), Kyle Caine (code), Lance (supply trade sysop), Lemmon (sysop), Malcom (trade supply), Marty McFly (trade), Prayer (sysop), RH+ (gfx org), Scandic (trade sysop), The Enemy (crack), The Fly (sysop), Transformer (trade), Zaxxon (sysop), Rebel! (ascii sysop). New Cracktro For 1996 (File). Proline ------- ???> Mave (code). Swapper Walker joined Interactive. German Decadence joined Vision old. Sting left to form Bonzai, which may also include other ex-Proline members. Information Intro (1992?, ECS Intro). code: Mave, gfx: Sting, music: Hi-Lite/Scoopex. Prologic (-1991) ---------------- DEN> Krueger (swap, later Kefrens). ???> Kreator (ex Paranoimia, new ca 07/90). Prologic is dead. Members joined Budbrain and Static Bytes (Playboy, Hawkeye) 09/91. News in Anarchy's "Stolen Data #4" [08/90] that the group was dead seem to have been greatly exaggerated :) Survivor joined Defcon 1. Trashcan, The One, Tama and MB Designs joined Euphoria. TSC changed his name to Dino and joined Parasite mid 91. Germans Duck (often misspellt in mags as Chuck) and Sting both joined Decade 06/91. Xion joined Gate (late 90). Intro (1991, ECS Intro). 2nd in the Aero Conference 1991 demo competition. Promise ------- HUN> Anorganic (code). Nipple's Chicks (1996, 13.04, 40k Intro). 4th in the Scenest 96 40k intro competition. Prophecy (1990-) ---------------- ENG> Executioner (ex Reaktor, new 10/90), Mr.Turnip (swap, ex Apex, new late90). Prophecy's birth was announced in the news corner of D-Tect's "Hack-Mag #2" [11/90]. That very same mag also announced PPJ and Ratso Rizzo leaving the group to build a german section of Flash Productions, and the joining of Mr. Turnip from Apex. Prophets AG ----------- ???> Fred Feinbein, Mr.Magic (code, 04/88-89), Odin, TAR (stopswap, 03/89), The Prophet, Tip (Armin Sander, code). Prophets AG were once one of Alpha Flight's many subgroups, but left to be an independent group in fabraury 1989. They were a German group. Proton ------ Proton will probably only be remembered for at one time having Jester as a member... 1990 - German musician Jester (ex Treacl) joined Red Sector Inc. after the Action Conference in october for a short while, before moving on to Sanity. Proton Ltd. ----------- 1992 - The group announces in june that their promised swapper-mag "Full Contact" will never get released. French musician Chrylian joined Dreamdealers. Przyjaciele Stefana B. (PSB) ---------------------------- · Gravity 2 Invitation (1997, early, AGA ?MB File). code: Mroova, Zorka19, gfx: Kaziuk, Skafander, music: Team17. review: Read closely, for this review will expose two LIARS. 'Coders' Mroova and Zorka19 didn't code this invitation, Crash and Argon did! If you press the right mousebutton, the bottom of the screen will be adorned with the text 'DemoManiac intern debugger'. Shame! The accompanying text mentions it needs 'some fast'. This invitation is in Polish, but they mention an English version 'soon'. I really like the WB snapshot in the end part, despite all! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · SzarikRemix (1997, 13.07, AGA File). code: Mroova, gfx: n/a, music: Klinton. Released for the Intel Outside 4 crazy demo competition, unplaced. review: Would someone get these people some professional help? And could the people sent to help them make them stop uploading slideshows of their dogs to AmiNet? The amiga community would be eternally grateful. Requires some fast. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. · Scener: Rantka 2 (1997, 30.08, AGA 2MB File). code: Zorek, gfx: Cyclone/Abyss (psb logo), Tremor PL (title), Rodnej (image processing), music: "Beautiful Days" by Looping. Released for the Gravity 97 wild competition. review: Yeah...right. This demo probably makes a whole lot more sense to people who actually speak the language =) It appears to be some sort of story told in words and strange pictures...but it's hard to say, hehe! The best thing about it is the decidedly cool soundtrack. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Fuck (1997, 14.12, 64k Intro). 9th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. Fuck #amigapl (1997, 14.12, 030 64k Intro). 12th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. Pseudo-Ops ---------- ENG> Spiral (sysop 'GOOD OMENS'). ???> Blade, Commander, Jarre, Renegade (crack, 12/89), Rockwell, Shadow, Yiddo. Pseudo-Ops were in early days most known for their 'Psudo-Ops Viruskiller', a then-unique concept where the killer remained resident in memory after a reset, and warned you if you tried to boot a disk with a virus on it! Later there were also a few demos and cracks. Psionic (PSI) ------------- SWE> Santzia (L. Laitinen, swap, 08/94). ???> Mood (code gfx, 08/94), Parch (music, 08/94). L'Espereranza (1994 or pre, Music). · Blizzard of Aahhhs (1994, 06.08, ECS 40k Intro). code/gfx: Mood, music: Parch. Split 21st in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: Some design here, probably because the graphician and the coder are one and the same. Not bad, but won't turn many heads. They've got the design part pretty well worked out, so I guess it's time to work on the routines, man! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Psycho ------ Wea joined Analog, but later moved on to Speedy. Psycho Killers -------------- · Intro (1995, 30.08, ECS 64k Intro). Released for the Intel Outside 2 64k intro competition. Review: Very blue and quite uninteresting. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Public Enemies. --------------- Guru Demo (1990, 05.01, Demo). Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90. Public Image Limited (PIL) -------------------------- Annaliza (1994, 13.11, Demo). 5th in the Gelloween 94 demo competition. Pulsar (1989-) -------------- FRA> Numitor (mainorg code gfx swap, 05/90). AUT> 2705 (code, 05/90). ???> Arion (swap pack, 05/90), Conan (code, 05/90), JR (music, 05/90), Platoon (code gfx, 05/90), Technos (code, 05/90), The Profaner (code, 05/90), The Titan (code, 05/90). Pulsar was born in august 1989, and many members of Poltergeist joined. In the end of the year, Numitor was caught by the police for stamp cheating. 1990 - In april, Austrian TMB left to join Scoopex. German coder Transfer (05/90) joined Paradox old. Pulse ----- ???> Chipsi (gfx sysop), Macho (gfx), Monsun (trade swap), Sunny (gfx swap), Steve (trade), Strike (music, rejoined). This Pulse has no connection with the PC group that features several ex-Amiga celebrities. Sunny (female) and Monsun (male) are a couple! German swapper and packer ('The Verdict') Reval joined Orion. Donk left to form Avantgarde. Cascay (doublememb Endless Piracy) joined. The entire subgroup Boom Design left that group for dead, and all joined Avantgarde. Sonic joined Platin. Puma ---- FRA> Gebe (founder, ex Willow), Latyl (founder, ex Willow). Punishers (PNS) --------------- ENG> H.I.T. Moonweed (sysop 'FLYING TEAPOT'), Hybrid (sysop 'ULTIMATE DREAM'). ITA> Winky (sysop 'HOLY HOLE', 91). AUS> Captain Kirk (sysop 'USS ENTERPRISE', 91), Microchip (sysop 'CHERNOBYL', 91). FIN> Wal, N.G. USA> Highlander (sysop 'BAD BOY CLUB'), Scotty Boy (sysop 'POSSE'). ???> Damien, Digit (music), Einstein (music, ex Betrayal, 91), Mekkanik (gfx, 91), Homeboy (ex Energy), I.O., Krayz, Manx, Pedro, Starr, Vikingchild, Vitex, Voyager, Xag (code, 91), Zigor, Zorro. Boards; FAST TRAX (usa, 91), NOYZE (usa), DANSE MACABRE (usa), DEFCON 5 (usa), SLIME CITY (swe), THE FOREST (ger). Hybrid's sysop information was partly retrieved from Infinite Perfection's entry; the fact that Punishers had BOTH a board called 'ULTIMATE DREAM' and a member called Hybrid seemed a little too much to be a coincidence :) Ice joined Anthrox. Englishman Scooter joined Skid Row. Banger (ex Anarchy) left the scene. The Master (ex Tarkus Team) joined Pirates. Executioner, sysop 'TREASURE ISLAND' left to be independent. Pure-Byte --------- DDT joined FIG. Pure Metal Coders (PMC, ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOR> Cocy (code, 12/90-12/92), Darkwalker (swap, ex Visual Bytes), Designer (code gfx, late90-04/92), Mystery (swap, 07/90), Peter (Peter Salomonsen, music, 06/91-12/92), Rattle (gfx), Timewalker (music, ex Cult, new 12/90), Vanguard (code, 12/90-06/91), Zorax (code, 12/90- 04/92). MAL> Cyber Pirate (write, ex Cytax). PMC was once a force to be reckoned with. Their coder Cocy was wellknown following his excellent "Alfa Omega" (1991) demo, and their diskmag R.A.W was rapidly developing into a success. However, when Cocy started coding on a game, and the R.A.W production team joined Spaceballs, there wasn't much left. I'd really like to know what became of their excellent musician Peter, though :) 1993 - At The Gathering 93, Norwegians Lord Helmet (swap edit, ex Cartel, 12/90), Kingpin (swap) and Perplex (code, 11/92, both ex Offence old) joined Spaceballs. With the editor, co-editor and coder of "R.A.W" jumping ship, PMC lost one of their greatest assets. Though it was claimed in Generation #6 that Lord Helmet joined Andromeda, this is obviously untrue. Norwegian coder Anders (ex Airborn, 04-12/92) joined Duplo. Anders was also sysop of 'PURE METAL LINE' until it was busted! Norwegian graphician Ramjet (ex Cartel, 12/90-12/92) joined Spaceballs. Thanatos (fra gfx, 09/92) and Zapper (nor music, ex Cartel, 12/90-04/92) both got kicked. The French section was kicked. Norwegian coder and musician Copernicus (Anders Hamre, ex Amiga Freelancers) decided to leave the scene. Asymptotic, Fullstar, Hexogen and Rhah joined Dreamdealers because they were fed up with Thanatos. Norwegian musician and swapper Dreamer (ex Amaze, early93) left the scene. Batman, sysop 'PIECE OF HEAVEN' (05/91), got kicked. Norwegian trader and swapper Flush (12/90-05/91) sold his Amiga and left the scene. Norwegian swapper Lonerider (ex Visual Bytes) sold his Amiga, bought a PC, and consequently got kicked. Norwegian graphician Fairfax (ex Beastie Boys, 11/91-12/92) joined Offence 06/92. The Jack (gfx, 12/90), Leatherface, Achmed B (code, 90), Dr. Feelgood (ex Miranda), Xion and X-Ray (nor gfx swap, ex Gate, 12/90) all got kicked. Dr.Feelgood left to form Obituary. Cartel joins... (1990, ECS File). code: Achmed B., gfx: The Jack, Antichrist, Ramjet, music: Zapper. info: The name of the demo is not accurate, but AFAIK there's no real name for it... It's the one where the group Cartel announces that they're merging into PMC! :) · A Little Intro... (1990, late, ECS Intro). code: Designer, gfx: Ramjet, music: "Introtune1.4" by Zapper (ProTracker MOD format). review: Just a logo, a starfield and a scroller for Flush to send some messages to his contacts. Uninteresting for the rest of us. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Mesmerized (1990, 28.12, ECS File). code: Cocy, Vanguard (math), gfx: Ramjet, The Jack (logo), X-Ray (logo), music: "Riff-Raff" by Zapper. Released at the Theatre & Network Party 90. review: An unspectacular demo from the coder team that would later make "Alfa Omega". Go figure! We're not given a lot of effects, there's some interference, some plasma and some triangle stuff that seemingly goes on forever. The demo has no exit, and once it's run through, it starts all over again. The best part: Ramjet's picture at the start. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. · Frontal Lobotomy (1990, 28.12, ECS File). Code: Zorax, Gfx: Ramjet, Music: "Credulity" by Oistein Eide/MON. Released at the Theatre & Network party 90. Review: This demo's greatest assets are clearly Ramjet's pictures; especially the pissed off smurf :-) Other than that, it doesn't really come alive for me, despite talented people working on it. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. · Alfa Omega (1991, 30.06, ECS Trackmo). code: Cocy, Vanguard (assistant), gfx: Ramjet, music: "Garbage Collection" by Peter. 2nd at the Amega Party. review: A true classic. This demo exhibited truly advanced coding when it was first released, the vector animations had everyone going 'ooooh...'. It was something new, never done quite so good before. There's a fair few effects here that made Cocy a household name for a while. It was only beaten in the competition at the Amega party by another legendary demo; Tomsoft's "Virtual World". As a result of the faster machine I ran it on, the scrolltext at the bottom became increasingly out of touch with what was going on onscreen. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Music bugs a little sometimes. · R.A.W #1 (1991, .11, ECS Diskmag). INT - code: Designer, gfx: J.O.E/TRSI (pic), Fairfax (logo), music: "Basshigh2c" by Comajim/NW (ProTracker MOD format). MAG - code: M.M./NW, gfx: Enigma/Andromeda, Wimme/NW, music: "Tanker" by Comajim/NW, "Bonus" by Peter, "Jakarta" by Comajim/NW, editor: Lord Helmet. Released in cooperation with New Wave (NW). review: The first issue of a legendary disk magazine. Graphically, it's not everything the later editions are. That checkerboard design doesn't really do it for me :) Ofcourse, from the second issue onwards we'd be treated to Fairfax' increasingly great art... For HD install, remember that the disk/assign MUST be called "R.A.W:". News that Walkman had joined Scoopex were, naturally, WRONG! · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. · R.A.W #2 (1992, .02, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Lone Starr/Spaceballs, gfx: Fairfax/PMC (logo), Sator/ Spaceballs (font), music: "Raw Intromusic" by Vinnie/Spaceballs (ProTracker MOD format). MAG - code: M.M./NW, gfx: Fairfax/PMC, Wimme/NW, music: "Night Drizzle" by Mr.Man/Andromeda, "Helmet for Sale" by Jason/Kefrens, "Chroxial" by Dexter/ex Anarchy, editor: Lord Helmet. Released in cooperation with New Wave (NW). review: The second issue of legendary mag R.A.W, and the first one with good graphics :) The intro (by Spaceballs) uses a RecVec type system for vector animation, just like in PMC's own demo "Alfa Omega". Lone Starr would also code the intro for R.A.W #5, the first issue released after the R.A.W editor joined Spaceballs. To install, remember that the disk/assign MUST be called "R.A.W:". · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Intro needs KillAGA. · BASE Connection (1992, 18.04, ECS Intro). code: Zorax, gfx: Designer (BC logo), Fairfax (PMC logo), music: "Activ- Waste!" by Zapper. Released at The Gathering 92. review: A logo at the top, a logo at the bottom and a sine-scroller in the middle, accompanied by a mediocre techno tune. This intro was meant to recruit composers to a new techno music-group called BASE. I certainly never heard of them again, so I guess it's safe to assume it wasn't a big success...and neither is this intro. Nothing I'd recommend. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Needs KillAGA. · The Gathering '92 Pictro (1992, late .04, ECS File Slideshow). code: Anders, gfx: Fairfax, music: "Yoghurt", "Karsmanatic" and "What..." by Steinar Apalnes/independent (4ch MOD format). review: Not much to describe here, there's a PMC logo at the top of the screen, the middle is occupied by some pictures (duh!) and the bottom is where the obligatory text writer resides. Competent enough, I guess, with three nice tunes and an OK logo. Anders recycled this code for a very similar production called "R.A.W 4½" at The Party in december! · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Musics bugs slightly. · R.A.W #3 (1992, .07, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Lord Mindless/Offence, gfx: Mystix/Anarchy (picture), Sector 9/Razor 1911 (font), music: Lizard/Offence. MAG - code: M.M/New Wave, Cocy (fixing), gfx: Fairfax/Offence, Vimme/ Offence (fonts), music: "Wild Impressions.2" by Lizardking/Strange, "Newspaper Groove" by Axel/Brainstorm, and "Movements" by WOTW/Supplex (all 4ch MOD format), editor: Lord Helmet. review: How do you review the best mag on the scene? Fabulous! You can easily run this from your harddrive, just remember to assign R.A.W: to the main directory (what would have been the root of the floppy). Enjoy! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · R.A.W #4 (1992, .11, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Dr.Jekyll/Andromeda, gfx: Fairfax/Andromeda, Duel/Andromeda (font), music: Lord Interface/Andromeda. MAG - code: Perplex, gfx: Facet/Anarchy (intropic), Fairfax/Andromeda (main), Perplex (fonts), music: "We'll Make It Live" by Soul/ Shining, "Slow Motion" by Axel/Brainstorm, Editor: Lord Helmet. review: The Andromeda intro that graces the front of the fourth issue of R.A.W is very nice indeed, and puts you in an expectant mood before plunging into the mag itself. After just two issues, they've decided to change the code entirely, and consequently also the design. The new design is perhaps cleaner, and the new code has some innovations, like the way you can choose how the text is formatted. However, I must say that I quite liked the old design :) Editorially they're as provocative as ever, not pulling any punches this time either. This would be the last issue of R.A.W released by PMC; before the next issue the entire editorial staff had left the group in favour of rising stars Spaceballs! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Alpha and Omega II: Downtown (1992, 28.12, ECS Trackmo, 3 disks). code: Cocy, gfx: Ramjet, music: Peter, Onar Am. 4th in The Party 92 demo competition. · R.A.W 4½ - Party Edition (1992, 28.12, ECS File Slideshow). code: Anders, gfx: Fairfax, music: "Palle's Theme2" by Jester/Sanity (4ch MOD format). Released at The Party 92. review: For the coding specifics, you can just refer to the review of "The Gathering '92 Pictro" (04/92), since it appears to be nearly identical. Lazy, lazy Anders... :) The show opens with a nice picture by Fairfax, which is a rendition of the poster for the movie "Home Alone". The logo in the slideshow itself is also nice. The music is not bad, about par for Jester. Well, what more to say? There's no exit. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Pussy (-1991) ------------- SWE> Bizox (ex Timex), Chunkei (swap, ex Timex), Dot (ex Timex), Dr.Yes (ex Timex), Eclipse (ex Timex), Izzy (ex Timex), R42 (music, ex Timex), Torkel (ex Timex), Tsathoggua (swap, ex Timex), Wolf (ex Timex). ???> Falch (gfx, 12/90), R24 (music, 12/90). Pussy was a mainly Dutch group, who died in march 1991, when the group changed their name to Jetset. I am actually uncertain whether this concerns both the dutch and swedish members... The group's swedish division was formed when the entire group Timex joined. TCB joined Destiny. Bronx Warrior joined Argon mid 91. Swedish coder Barf (ex Timex, 12/90) left. The French and Dutch sections left the group. Swedes Dr.Satan (ex Timex) and Mightymuz joined Vogue. The English section is dead; the members joined other English groups like Destiny, Slipstream and Magnetic Fields. · Little Intro (1990, .12, ECS Intro). code: Barf, gfx: Falch, music: R24. Review: This little intro was released to announce that the previous members of Timex had now formed the Swedish division of Pussy. It's not much to tell the world about, but what little there is is quite competent. The tune's nice, as is the logo...though the coding's a little on the simple side. Nice enough for what it is. Released in 'week 51'... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA. Puzzle (PZL, -------------------------------------------- DEN> Deckard (Mads Voster, gfx raytrace, 12/96-08/97), Decoy (Danni Hansen, swap, ex Passion, 08/97), Fazion (code), Firebird (partyorg), Hexagon (code, doublememb Mystic, 96-08/97), Kreon (code), Mickey (code), Powdi (Per Bloksgaard Christensen, code, ex Ambrosia, new 97-08/97), Relief (music, 08/97), Robotnik (code), SCA (code raytrace), Tactica (gfx), Tricktrax (org code music, 08/97). NOR> Archangel (music, triplememb Rebels and TRSI [details], 03/96-08/97). ENG> Trooper (spreader). ???> Deone (gfx, 08/97), Liquid (music, 96), Ruben (3dgfx, 08/97), Subsonic (3dgfx, ex Spoon). Large portions of the memberlist was taken from one published in Friendchip #1, released in december 1996. I take it the other homepage address I had (at geocities) is defunct. 1996 - Danish graphician and raytracer Phonetic joined Mystic. Musician Muttley left. Danish coder Selector left. Jedi (sysop) left to join Rebels. Elements (Musicdisk). code/music: Melomaniac, gfx: Tactica. Voodoo (64k Intro). The Sketchbook (1996, spring, Slideshow). code: Hexagon, gfx: Deckard, music: Liquid. Ketogane (1996, 06.07, Demo). 4th in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition. Zoo (1997, 10.08, AGA 4MB Demo). code: Hexagon, Tricktrax, gfx: Deckard, music: Tricktrax. Pygmy Projects (1993-, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIN> Cence (Tapani Tolpanniemi, music), Cenobit (gfx, ex The Silents, 08/93), Coconut (Matti Kantola, founder code, ex Damones, 08/93), Flame (Jani Vaarala, founder code, ex Damones, 08/93-late96), JOLOO5X (Janne Leinonen, music, ex The Silents), Phobic (Tomi Huoviala, gfx anim), Silver Eagle (Sami Vaarala, code, ex The Silents, 08/93-10/96). GER> Jester (Volker Tripp, music, ex Sanity, new 02/95). Pygmy was formed by Coconut and Flame, both ex-members of the shortlived Finnish section of The Silents. They released one demo, "Maximum Volocity" [08/92] for The Silents before getting kicked out. They then joined Damones, before finally forming Pygmy. I guess we should feel lucky they tried their hand at doing it on their own, since PP is a group that created a few quite memorable productions! They have a special symbol, the so-called 'Pygmy sun'. It can be seen in "Extension" (above the logo), "G-Force" (as a gouraud object) and "Logic" (envmapped). 1993 - Their very first demo, the trackmo "Extension" [08/93] surprised everyone by taking the very first place in the assembly democompetition! 1995 - The year started great for PP, after they were joined by famous german musician Jester/Sanity in february! This move sent shockwaves throughout the demo scene, but unfortunately it would seem like he ceased all scene activity in favour of his professional music career shortly after joining... · Extension (1993, 10.08, ECS Trackmo). code: Coconut, Flame, gfx: Cenobit, music: "Cyberride" by Jester/Sanity (Pygmy Packer format). Winner of the Assembly '93 demo competition! review: Great in its time, Extension rocked the scene. Who would have expected a bunch of unknowns to come along and WIN the ASM93 demo compo? The show opens with a picture of a woman with a snake wrapped around her, while the demo loads. Once it's loaded, we get the name of the crew and the demo presented, in what is a rather unique style. The music is timed to the FX, and there's plenty of that here. Most of the effects are dot- or vector-based, with stuff like a dot-landscape, dot-cityscape, solid cityscape, dots dropping down on a vector cube, vector cube shadow- casting onto another vector object etc. It sort of signalled the end of those two trends! Well, Kefrens "Desert Dream" (04/93) had pretty much buried the dot stuff four months earlier, so I guess this was more of a twitch :) The music by Jester is liked by many. However, I am very individual :D It's frantic techno with wah-wah guitars overlayed. You've been warned. A file version requiring a little more memory was released in december. This production uses a unique music format, dubbed the Pygmy Projects Packer by the common conversion utilities. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · G Force (1994, 06.08, AGA 40k Intro). code: Silver Eagle, Flame (replayer), gfx: none, music: Papaija (Pygmy Packer format). Winner of the Assembly 94 40k intro competition! review: Wow! I'm sure THIS kicked butt in Finland! Impressive is the only way to describe this pioneer intro. Massive gouraud shaded objects move around the screen, including the infamous fish and a large face object. Totally oustanding. The intro was Silver Eagle's first solo project. His only work before this was an endpart for the TSL trackmo "Maximum Velocity" [08/92]. Needs a bit of fastmem, though I do not know EXACTLY how much. Worked fine on my 4mb configuration. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. G Force Final (1994, .12, 020 Intro). · Logic (1995, 13.08, AGA HD Multifile). code/gfx: Flame, Silver Eagle, music: "Low Voltage", "Chromosomes" and "Kardaaniakselli" by Paralogic System. 2nd in the Assembly '95 demo compo. review: Not all that impressive, this production still managed to come in second at ASM95...the party they won two years earlier with "Extension" [08/93]. The effects are perhaps better and more advanced this time around, but "Extension" still has the edge in pure entertainment power. Lots of fx, as mentioned, includes envmapping (reflection, phong), texturemapped tunnel, shade cluster (which Andromeda invented with their The Party 4 winner "Nexus 7"), texturemapped tilting cityscape, morphing rendered gold 'sheet', particles forming words... The music is the usual techno shit, no better or worse than the norm. Paralogic System is a separate group (or single composer, what do I know?), and not a member of PP. It seems they used a custom replayer for the music once more! Silver Eagle is credited with 'player' (the original Pygmy Packer was by Flame), and there are some files that correspond to the music names, but not to any known format. Any information on this is most welcome! :) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Pyrodex [old] (PRX) ------------------- GER> Bitmaster (gfx, 93). Boards; HOUSE OF COOLNESS WHQ (ger, 02/93), KRUSTYLAND (ger, 02/93), BEVERLY HILLS (02/93). All members joined Abyss in early 1994, including famous German musician Pink (05/93-01/94) and coders Poet (new 12/93) and Bartman! It is also a possibility that this includes Dexter. The Detonation of Paula (1993, .02, ECS Musicdisk). info: Mentioned in the sample text of Pink's tunes "Razor 1911 Cracks" and "Synthetic Challenge". It apparently includes 12 tunes on 1 disk, and one introdisk containing raytraced animation from Bitmaster. Pyrodex [new] ------------- GER> El Barto (code crack). Pyrodex is the old (illegal) group that german scene celebrities Bartman and Pink belonged to before building the demo group Abyss. They now seem to be 'rebuilt', doing ultimate versions of old games - check their fabulous Giana Sisters release! (intro by Bartman and Pink - grin :-)